Starting cross fit on Thanksgiving

Why not start when its the hardest so the easy time is even easier ! Looking for friends


  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I started two months ago on my birthday. It's been great, so far. In the beginning I would always look at the workout and say "I can't possibly do that," but I'd do it anyway. Now I look and know I can do it, which is a good feeling. I've gotten stronger much faster than I expected.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Why not start today? You'll be one day closer to your goal.
  • lhub2
    lhub2 Posts: 18 Member
    Good for you, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I started six months ago and have seen some major changes and did my first Spartan race in September. I will share one thing I’ve learned about CrossFit...when you look at the workout and think “That doesn’t look so bad”, be prepared because it’s ALWAYS bad. Just carrying degrees of “Oh god make it stop”. Then there is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you get through it. That is what brings me back there three days a week. That and the improved altitude of my butt.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    What makes it more difficult on Thanksgiving?
  • sjb11973
    sjb11973 Posts: 13 Member
    I started crossfit this year 17.1 was my first ever WOD!! It was the worst thing I have ever done BUT I have never looked back
  • prescottgal7
    prescottgal7 Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you! I started 3 weeks ago. I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m 51, obese, and have never excercized regularly. I love the variety CF offers. And the community. The coaches are very concerned about proper form and scale the WODs to my level until I can execute the movements correctly. Everyone has been super friendly and encouraging. I’ll be your virtual CF buddy!