Logging weight training

Is there a trick to logging weight training as exercise? I Have been Loosing fairly rapidly over my 90 days and have been trying to balance cardio with weight training but as I get closer to my goal I would like to put more focus on my weight training than the cardio. Problem is that The MFP app don't give me credit for exercise minutes if I log weight training. Will it if I update my app? is it important to count the calories I burn lifting? I am going to keep doing what is working for now but I was wondering what your thoughts are on this.

Also, When I log my weight training, how are you folks showing increasing weight. I.E. If you are pressing dumbbells 10 reps of 40 and then on your next set 10 of 45, and then 10 of 50... Is their a way to set a gradual range instead of having to log each set separately? Thanks for the help.


  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Log it under cardio under strength training
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    MFP provides Calorie burn estimates based on the time logged. The MFP Strength Training section does not contain a place to enter time.

    Since only the MFP Cardio section contains a place to enter time to get a Calorie burn estimate, go to the Cardio section, search for "train" and log the total amount of time for "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)."
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    JasonMcS wrote: »
    Is their a way to set a gradual range instead of having to log each set separately? Thanks for the help.

    Not in MFP, it is basic. I would suggest you use a separate app; some are free. I use Jefit.

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    MFP is not designed to track lifting progress. Lifting doesn't burn many calories. Instead, opt for a notepad or a 3rd party app.
  • JasonMcS
    JasonMcS Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, That is all helpful. Would any of you happen to know how it works. I lift medium weight 15/20 reps and 5 sets. I know, I know... that isn't how I am supposed to do it. (so says all the muscle heads) I do it that way because I am working to burn fat and tone muscle at the same time. I do sometimes get heavy but mostly just high reps and 5 sets or so.
    My question is this, I rest for a timed minute or minute and a half between sets. If I workout for an hour would I subtract the rest time or will it automatically factor that in?
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    JasonMcS wrote: »
    Ok, That is all helpful. Would any of you happen to know how it works. I lift medium weight 15/20 reps and 5 sets. I know, I know... that isn't how I am supposed to do it. (so says all the muscle heads) I do it that way because I am working to burn fat and tone muscle at the same time. I do sometimes get heavy but mostly just high reps and 5 sets or so.
    My question is this, I rest for a timed minute or minute and a half between sets. If I workout for an hour would I subtract the rest time or will it automatically factor that in?

    It's pretty pointless to measure time lifting. Lifting is about numbers of reps, sets, and kilos/lbs.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Instead of logging strength training you may want to increase your activity level from sedentary to light-active if you lift 3+times/week. this will give you more calories every day, which is good for recovery from lifting, and you won't have to try and guess how many cals you burned from lifting that way.
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    JasonMcS wrote: »
    Ok, That is all helpful. Would any of you happen to know how it works. I lift medium weight 15/20 reps and 5 sets. I know, I know... that isn't how I am supposed to do it. (so says all the muscle heads) I do it that way because I am working to burn fat and tone muscle at the same time. I do sometimes get heavy but mostly just high reps and 5 sets or so.
    My question is this, I rest for a timed minute or minute and a half between sets. If I workout for an hour would I subtract the rest time or will it automatically factor that in?

    If you are doing light weight, high repetition, and minimal rest between sets, you are definitely burning more Calories than just going about your normal daily activities. The only wrong estimate is zero Calories burned, which some people mistakenly continue to recommend for any strength training.

    If you are using MFP goals, which do not include purposeful exercise, you should log any exercise which burns Calories. I would recommend logging the full time spent strength training. Many MFP users start by eating back a percentage such as 50-75% of the exercise Calorie estimate, then adjust the percentage eaten back based on actual results after 4 to 6 weeks.

    Another option is to get a daily Calorie burn estimate from an outside TDEE calculator that factors in your planned weekly exercise, then custom set your MFP daily goals based on a reasonable deficit from that TDEE number.
  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    CyberTone wrote: »
    JasonMcS wrote: »
    Is their a way to set a gradual range instead of having to log each set separately? Thanks for the help.

    Not in MFP, it is basic. I would suggest you use a separate app; some are free. I use Jefit.

    I also use Jefit, a great app for weight training!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I have used the MFP weight training under the cardio tab for my calorie burn and found it accurate. I count the total time of the session including rest periods.

    Give it a week or two eating back what MFP estimates, if your weight is not moving as expected move the calorie burn up or down 25%.

    I too used JEFIT to track. I have gone back to a note book as I like adding little notes or adjusting weights and reps off plan from time to time.

    Cheers, h.
  • JasonMcS
    JasonMcS Posts: 96 Member
    My problem is that I am loosing too fast (if that is possible). I am not adding back enough calories. I have lost 47 pounds in 90 days. That is about .5 pounds a day. I have to eat some of these calories back in order to slow that loss rate down (as I have heard that I may be causing damage to my body and loosing my muscle), or I will need to get rid of some of the calorie burn. I may do a number of things differently to try to get a more accurate count of these calories. My plan would be to leave the treadmill off for the most part and focus more on my muscle retention. Especially as I close in on my target. I don't want to get bogged down with a bunch of calculating and numbers so upping my activity level may do the trick @erickirb paired with the Strength training under cardio exercise @Sharon_C , @CyberTone and @middlehaitch I did try that yesterday. It gave me a number so it worked I guess.
    Thanks for helping me try to figure this journey out. I get good advise on here...sometimes any way.