Needs opinions on my eating schedule?

So over the course of a few months my eating schedule has changed drastically due to various reasons so I don't get hungry until way later on in the day and im actually okay with it because I end up eating less calories overall but I'm constantly being told (mostly by my parents) that I should change it up because the times I eat are weird and reversed. Here's how a typical day of eating looks for me.
I wake up at 11:30-12-30pm, eat breakfast at 4pm, eat again at 7:30pm, eat a snack at around 11:30pm or so, eat dinner at 2am then eat my last "meal/dessert" at 4am. Then I'm usually in bed by 5am. Then of course this repeats and I don't eat until 4pm the next day. Does this sound weird to anybody? Keep in mind I workout between 9-10pm for about an hour or so that's why I may be eating a bit later but I don't know, what's everyone's opinion on my eating routine? It's not that I have to eat at these certain times but if I don't i may not eat at all because I don't have much of an appetite so I kinda go by this schedule and it works for me but I want to hear what everybody thinks. Thanks


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,735 Member
    Is this schedule due to your work hours? If so, then there are lots of people who work alternate schedules and eat at various times.

    Since this is the "maintaining" board are you maintaining your current weight? Or are you wanting to lose weight? Sorry, but a bit more information would help.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    The time of day you eat really doesn't matter but most importantly, if it works for you, there's no reason to change it up. There's always going to be "studies" (and people's beliefs) that "prove" one thing while another one "proves" the complete opposite. I also prefer to eat lighter during the day and I eat probably 80% of my calories late at night. When I tried to stick to a schedule I just kept getting frustrated about my "nighttime munchies" and often gave in, went over my calorie allotment, and gained weight. Once I accepted- hey, I'm not hungry much during the day and I'm not miserable at night when I've saved my calories for nighttime, I started having a lot more success. When someone tells me I'm doing it wrong I just shrug and say "Seems to be working just fine for me."
  • 93pear93
    93pear93 Posts: 48 Member
    yup, it doesnt matter what time you eat and how many meals a day
    dont bother yourself
    one problem solved, got another one? :)
  • RossRitalin
    RossRitalin Posts: 1 Member
    I can only speak from my personal experience. After getting out of rehab for a severe drug addiction i went from 174 pounds, which at my height of 6'2 is way too thin, into the other end of the spectrum. After staying clean from drugs for a year I weighed 296 pounds. A year later on October of 2017 and I am 216 pounds. I've found that if you eat as healthy as you can and add in exercise on a regular basis that the is no reason to not eat when your hungry. Not all calories are made equal, 200 calories of candy is not better than 500 calories of fruit when it comes to health and weight loss. So in my opionion, if you are making the best choices in food for your health, eat when you are hungry and stop when you are not. If you are not making the best choices in food for your health, than what's the point in losing weight anyway? Sorry for the long response, I do hope it helps someone though.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Make your eating schedule fit your work and social schedule, not the other way around. Do you work? Maybe your family misses you, and don't see you enough, if they have a more traditional schedule, and "your meal schedule is weird" could be easier to say than "why are you sleeping all day and staying up all night".
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    Hey, as long as it's working for you and you're eating the right amounts for you per meal, there's nothing to worry about . My schedule makes me eat waaay earlier in the day where I usually have my first meal by 3am and my last meal before 5pm.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    Just because your schedule is different from your parents schedule, that doesn't make it weird. When you look at what time you get up and what time you go to bed the times you eat actually seem pretty typical. If that schedule works for you then there is nothing wrong with it.