Starting the Next Chapter (SW 96kg; CW 73kg; GW 59kg)

I'm an English Teacher situated in a small town outside of Dubai. I've been on a fitness journey for almost 2 years now. In that time, I've lost 23kg, and hope to lose 15 more by next summer. It's been a roller coaster, with several plateaus and life events, but since my return from summer holidays, I've been more determined than ever to finish what I started.
Looking for online support from likeminded folks.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited November 2017
    Welcome :) If you have weight to lose, you will lose it by sticking to a calorie deficit, but it will slow down as you lose. Use that to prepare yourself for the next stage - maintenance. There is no end point to weight management and fitness, the work continues, every day, for the rest of your life. And the roller coaster and life events, that's exactly what "life" is.