
How did everyone do? Did you stay in calorie range?


  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I didn't plan to: actually intended to go about 200 calories over, but so far I haven't wanted them. As it stands now I actually have a few calories left for the day, and that's with eating a pound of mashed potatoes (mashed with almond milk and roasted garlic.)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I actually haven't weighed or logged today. However I didn't eat that much and haven't had dessert.

    Unfortunately I may have consumed my weight in wine. I definitely exceeded my usual calorie goal.
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Did not log but also did not over do it. It is only one day and the gym is open tomorrow and I shall be going and logging again.
  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    I logged every single delicious calorie, and enjoyed a wonderful meal with family. I'll still be within my goal for the week. I'm thankful for MyFitnessPal! I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    I went over but I think it could have been a lot worse. I'm following low carb so I switched out the mashed potatoes with mashed cauliflower and the cranberry sauce with a l/c version I had made last night. I did have the stuffing and 1/2 a small sweet potato along with some gravy. For dessert, I had my l/c version of pumpkin/cheesecake bake instead of the apple pie, brownies, and the pumpkin cheesecake my sister had made. Tomorrow is a new day so it's back on the bandwagon....... :).
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    I pretty much tried a tablespoon of everything, plus even broke down and had a sliver of homemade pumpkin pie and a sugar cookie which I should have skipped. My plate really wasn't that full and although not hungry, I wasn't stuffed. I was amazed how quickly it added up when I came home and guessitmated my logging. My macros were horrible. The wine didn't help either. Made up for it with no breakfast or dinner and still went a little over for the day. Probably will have something else light before I go to bed. Oh well.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I cooked and there were only two of us so it was easy. Since we were both recovering from norovirus and still feeling a bit fragile, it was really easy.
  • theresa961
    theresa961 Posts: 37 Member
    Heck no. Did not intend to! Did only have one serving of everything and yes ate pie for dessert. With that went over by 800 calories which I have to say is a great accomplishment! Thank goodness I went to Orangetheory this morning! I just remind myself that we don’t eat like this everyday.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    edited November 2017
    Went on a 5 mile hike in the morning w/a 1k ft elevation gain w/o eating or drinking anything until lunch time. Lost 2.5# during the hike.

    Burned at least 700 cals during the hike (low estimate was 400 and high estimate was 1k) but only ate 600 cals for lunch.

    Still haven't eaten dinner yet. Currently bet sets on the rower where I'll burn at least another 400 cals when I'm done.

    No turkey today.

    Plan to drink a bottle of sparkling wine w/a whole pan fried trout, black truffle risotto, brussel sprouts pan roasted in bacon fat and a large orange which should total about 1.5k cals but I'll still probably be at about a 500-1k cal deficit for the day, which is fine since I've been gaining a little weight that I'm trying to burn off.

    So, it's all good. :)
  • anewell28
    anewell28 Posts: 79 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm in maintanence. I binged today and just decided to log 6,000 for thanksgiving. I put away a lot a lot of food between 4pm and 11pm. Might have eaten more than 6,000 calories today but oh well. I over stuffed myself on the foods I only get to eat once a year and I'll be ready to snack on some left overs tomorrow and then move on after the food is finished. I ate a decent deficit this past week and will probably remain eating at deficits on most days for the next month to have a cushion for the holiday eating days that will be coming up. I won't weight myself until next week after my body adjusts to the sodium. Not too worried about an extra pound gained.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Did something different this year -- went out for a Thanksgiving-style meal. We had a 12:30 p.m. reservation, and I woke up late, so I didn't eat breakfast. Since there were no hours of snacking on appetizers beforehand, and no going back for a second (or third) dessert later in the day, I had just over 1500 calories in "Thanksgiving" calories -- about half what I've consumed in the day-long event in recent years since I started logging (not that there was anything wrong with that -- I'm almost disappointed not to have a huge number to marvel at).

    Without clean-up (when I have Thanksgiving at home) or hours of driving (when I go to relatives), I had time to take a good walk in the afternoon (plus I didn't feel so loaded down by food that l could barely move :smile:), and I earned a few more calories. I haven't been very hungry since that big meal; all I've had since is a raspberry yogurt for a snack. I'm currently almost 1000 calories below maintenance for the day. I'm thinking about some charcuterie, cheese, and bread for a late supper.
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    I did great! I didn't eat breakfast or dinner. I saved a days worth of calories at the Thanksgiving meal. I enjoyed my meal, had fun with my family, and ate until i was full. I only went over by 159 calories. But, its only a guess because I didn't measure my food. But, it's okay. It's only one day. Thanks for the thread. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    I did pretty good. I went over by about 20 or 30 calories. Just worried about the sodium and water retention. I'm also kinda ticked, my family left the desserts, that I didn't want to make, at my house so that they wouldn't have the temptation in their house :/ . I put two whole pies in the freezer for Christmas and will be wrapping individual slices and freezing them for Sunday splurges ;) .
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    No. It’s one day. But I was about 300 below maintenance after working overnight and getting my steps up.