My Mom Drives Me Crazy!

I know, I know, I know I shouldn't expect my mom to be emotionally healthy or helpful, but I told her that I lost 23 pounds in six weeks.

"Well, don't start eating everything in sight and gain it all back!"

"Thanks, Mom. That was really supportive."

"It's true! People do it all the time and you could put it all back on. Then what? I'm just saying what happens. Why are you always so negative?"

I know, I know, I know. Blood out of a stone. That's my mother. The same one who told me over and over again about her weight loss recently and I just listened. Weight's the weird thing between us, she inflicted her food/body image issues on me as a child, and now she's still weirdly competitive about it.

OK, back to my world where she's only in it once in a while.


  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    My mom is the same way. It can be frustrating but know you are doing this for YOU and that is all that matters! And prove to her that you won't put it all back on. To me, that's the best payback!