When is enough enough?

In November, I was diagnosed with diabetes and thyroid cancer. I am 40 yrs old and 5'10" And 217 lbs at the time. I decided to change my lifestyle. I started using mfp and exercising. My blood sugar is now under control with no meds and I have lost 50 lbs. since then. I had my thyroid removed in January and my replacement hormones are still out of whack. I stick to 1200-1400 cals a day and exercise daily. The last 4 months I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs. very frustrating! My recent blood tests showed my thyroid meds were too low,so hopefully, I will see changes after getting them where they need to be. I am now 165 lbs. and would like to reach 155 and then maintain. Friends are telling me I should stop where I am, that my body feels this is my ideal weight since I can't seem to lose more despite keeping on my diet and running 7 days a week. Do I just try to maintain where I am or go for the lower goal? With the thyroid issues I know I will have to limit my calories even more to achieve my goal and I am so tired of dieting! I'm not sure if I am seeing this issue clearly or going down the road to unrealistic body image issues. I still feel fat! This journey takes a lot out of you mentally and I' m not sure what is reasonable any more. Any suggestions? Today, I turned down going out with friends as I knew it would derail my calories for the day, but I'm not sure if this is a good thing.

Edited to add- my original goal was 165 lbs.


  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I think it really just depends on you, and whether or not you feel good at your current weight, and like the way you look. If so, then there's no need to continue losing. Best of luck with your decision!