
It's been a week but I totally forgot to ask you guys about my biggest problem. Is there anyone who is skinny fat and burnt fat from legs? I'm 55,9 kg (5'2 / 157cm) and it looks like all my body fat is storaged on my legs. My main goal is slimming my legs down. I still can't decide how many calories a day to follow. I tried 1200 calories. I felt so hungry. I tried 1450 calories. It was not bad. MFP is giving me 1230 calories to lose 0.5kg a week and if I want to eat more I should eat 1530 cals (which seems too much to achieve my goal.) but I will lose only 0.2kg ( which seems so little for a week :( ) So I'm still confused about how much I should eat. I planned to go to gym 3 times a week but I only went once this week :/. In gym I walk and run for like 20 mins total then I try frogstand and a few more moves that basicly makes my chest back muscles work. I started calisthenics recently so I try to do some beginner workouts such as bench dips and try to push up. When I'm done with them I do some lunges till I get really tired. So this is what I do. I'm here to ask what should I do? Anyone who achieved slimming down legs please help me and show me a path.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You don't have much to lose so .25 kg a week is a good rate to lose at.

    You can't spot reduce. If you're skinny fat, it's because you haven't been doing anything to save your muscles prior. You should look into a progressive lifting program such as Stronglifts 5x5 to help you out there.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I would recommend a dance class. A barre class would be good if you can't find an adult ballet class. If done right they will slim and tone the legs.