Hello! Looking for motivational and active friends!

Hi my name is Kate Moss. The reason I'm starting Myfitnesspal is because last month I broke up with my first boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. I realized I wasn't happy with myself anymore, I didn't even know what made me happy. I relied on my boyfriend for love and if I didn't get enough or what I expected, I turned to fast food. McDonalds became my best friend! And truly ever since I was a child I turned to food to "nurture" my feelings. And so I have struggled with my weight for many years. I've always known what to do and how to get healthy, but I never put any ambition in doing so. I started this lifestyle change July 1, 2013, first thing was first no more fast food. So I set a goal for myself of 30 days without fast food! And I completed successfully! Also I started taking a fat burner called Therm-o Fusion, created by this local company called Bio Fusion here in SD. I didy research on this stuff because I've always been skeptical about weight loss aids. Most are cop-outs. But this stuff works! In turn I've cut my soda intake to about 1 can of soda every two weeks and I drink 64-96 oz of water a day. Last week I started doing Jillian Micheals' 30 day shred. I also quit smoking this week on Chantix and so I walk about a mile on both of my 15 minute breaks. And 6 times a week I walk a little over a mile in the evenings with my dog. I also do a few yoga poses in the morning to wake me up. Breaking up with my boyfriend was one of the hardest things I've done in my life so far, I love him, but I need to discover how to love myself. Thus the reason I titled my page Dating Myself. I'm going focus on my health and what makes me happy!

I'm beginning a new chapter in my life and I'm looking for some motivating active members to become friends with! I'm an upbeat, fun, nerdy, inspirational girl who would like to make friends on this new journey of mine!


  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Congrats on realizing you need to take time for yourself. Putting off a relationship you are not ready for is actually a very smart and healthy thing to do. Being dependent on someone else for happiness will always just be a short term , quick fix. It wont bring lasting happiness. Thats why you see so many people bouncing from relationship to relationship, or having affairs. Searching for something in someone else that they dont feel from their current mate. Not realizing what they truly seek has to be found from within first. Thats what Dr. Phil would say anyway :) For real very smart decision you made, if you need someone to help keep you motivated feel free to add me . Good luck to you!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Good for you looking to take care of yourself! That's the most important.

    I've just started Jillian's 30 day shred a couple days ago. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • jillyk89
    jillyk89 Posts: 240 Member
    Add me guys!