Lost motivation

I can't see myself dieting anymore I have no mood to get back up. I've tried so mamy times I lost weight but regained. I'm addicted to junk foods and I'm inconsistent. Literally i hate myself


  • umamageswary52
    umamageswary52 Posts: 68 Member
    Inconsistency is my problem. If being inconsistent is easy i would've shed all the weight by now. I tried 5 times . Every 6 month i give up and regain. I'm exhausted at this point
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    edited November 2017
    You are describing me :bawling: it is so frustrating. My friend and I decided to start on a diet at the end of this summer. She lost nearly 30 lbs. I gained a few :grin: She will catch up my weight soon. What is wrong with us :sweat:
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2017
    Inconsistency is my problem. If being inconsistent is easy i would've shed all the weight by now. I tried 5 times . Every 6 month i give up and regain. I'm exhausted at this point

    Take a break from it. Just know motivation wanes and woes for everyone.. maybe stop looking at this as dieting. You will learn over time how to develop and maintain discipline and commitment and remove yourself from the lose and gain cycle. You really are more mentally strong than you give yourself credit for.

    Think simple. Eat less food to lose weight. All we have to do is eat the amount of calories this app gives us, exercise or not, maybe just chose to increase activity or move a little more over time which helps. Is it the calorie counting in general that may not be working for you? Or what other things may be hindering your progress?

    Demonizing foods only exacerbates things and we end up thinking its all or nothing therefore restricting food choices so much we are doomed to failed. You do not have to be completely miserable, you can get used to eating less slowly and in MFP you can eat more by exercising if you want to.

    Take your power back and shut down the negative thoughts, its what keeps you from moving forward. Find your strength from within, because it's there. Mini goals, taking it one day at a time and trusting the process is all you have to do.. because you can do this!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I think you have to look at things differently. You say your problem is consistency, and yes, you need that to slowly lose weight on MFP. In what things ARE you consistent--why? You get up every morning, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, comb your hair, go to work, etc, etc. Why do you do those things? Calorie counting is the same--you just do it until it's a habit. Exercising is also a habit you can choose. If you are not ready to commit yourself right now, that's OK. When you decide, MFP and the rest of us will be here --waiting.
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 318 Member
    I am so inconsistent. I can eliminate the garbage in my head and out of no where it's back and I'm eating like it's my last meal. Trying to figure out what my problem is exhausts me. I'm going to be 65 yrs. old in a few months and I'm still battling; only now my knees stiffen up so easily that sometimes walking the stairs is a nightmare. My back aches and I'm sure my family gets tired of hearing about what ails me. As my mother used to say - everything in moderation. I have to believe we're never too old to learn. Ladyhusker39 is spot on.
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    When you decide you are ready to take care of yourself, there will be no stopping you!
  • melfaye75
    melfaye75 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on this journey for about 3 years. It has come off, slowly. Slow and steady wins the race. If you restrict yourself, the problem then becomes binge eating. If you use the tools on here, it does the math. Exercise or no exercise. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself that is your first step...to love yourself the way you are.
  • yweight1969
    yweight1969 Posts: 64 Member
    smiley:) :)<3 Huggs, please work on your self love no matter where you are in the process. My body seems to be struggling the older I get with letting go of the pounds even when I'm sticking to the plan, but I refuse to hate my body it serves me well every day I get up. I may not be in shape or the best shape of my life but mental and spiritual I'm together work on that and as the others have said one thing at a time and it will come together for you. I struggle with my food daily but if I start mentally beating myself up I'll have no progress and will actually start to eat out of feeling bad.

    It's good you came here for advice but do you think somewhere like weight watchers, or over eaters anonymous or even counseling will work for you talking to people in person and having group motivation sometimes work better for some of us.

    I hope this finds you feeling better about yourself, have a good week.
  • yweight1969
    yweight1969 Posts: 64 Member
    And no matter how many times you've tried if this is your goal to eat healthy, lose or gain weight don't give up keep trying until you find what works for you. Stop counting how many times you've tried and just push forward, if I counted how many times I've tried I would've quit by now also, but you can do this.
  • floresmolter
    floresmolter Posts: 1 Member
    I’m trying to lose weight so I go for walks with friends, maybe you can do extra exercises together too??? No more going out for drinks to socialize because there are too many calories in cocktails. It helps to set a date and have a buddy to work out with.