Can someone look at my food diary and see what else I could be eating to reach my macros?

I finally got a food scale (again) and am counting all calories for the next 3 months but was wondering what else I could eat to reach macros? I’m trying to eat in a deficit and think my breakfast is good, but even after lunch I still have 1,000 calories to go. I usually work out in the evening, lifting twice a week and an hour of cardio the other 3 days. I want to lose half a pound a week and drop bf by 4%. Current weight is 148. Bf is around 26.5%. My main concern is not eating enough and wanting to binge midway through so I need ideas on what other snacks to eat throughout the day to not go home and gorge after work if that makes sense ?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I prefer bigger meals... They make me feel more satisfied than constant snacking.

    Have you tried pre logging your day so you can spread your food out as you like? Once you've put your meals in, tweak amounts of food to get to the macros you want.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    It looks like you only have one day logged?

    Anyway, generally if people want to eat more calories, it helps to cut out the diet/lower calorie products.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    What have you been eating up today you started logging? Are any of these foods you have been eating able to help you reach macros, particularly protein. I like to work on protein and spread out the carbs and fats accordingly.

    I concur on larger breakfasts and lunches. Meal prep a head of time (pre-log your diary). Add in additional protein, healthy fats and fibrous foods. Work on finding the foods that provide you the most satiety to help you avoid the later on binging you mention.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Yeah I just started this morning. I tracked and logged about 3 years ago and got extremely obsessive so it's taken me a while to want to go from intuitive eating to counting everything to the tee. My dinner tonight is going to be shrimp and broccoli. I haven't pre-logged, but that's a really good idea as my meals are consistent Monday-Friday anyway. I always prep my meals for the week so eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess my main question would be what kinds of foods do you buy for meals or snacks so you don't get burnt out and binge?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yeah I just started this morning. I tracked and logged about 3 years ago and got extremely obsessive so it's taken me a while to want to go from intuitive eating to counting everything to the tee. My dinner tonight is going to be shrimp and broccoli. I haven't pre-logged, but that's a really good idea as my meals are consistent Monday-Friday anyway. I always prep my meals for the week so eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess my main question would be what kinds of foods do you buy for meals or snacks so you don't get burnt out and binge?

    just shrimp and broccoli? that sounds very low fat and very low calorie?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Yeah I just started this morning. I tracked and logged about 3 years ago and got extremely obsessive so it's taken me a while to want to go from intuitive eating to counting everything to the tee. My dinner tonight is going to be shrimp and broccoli. I haven't pre-logged, but that's a really good idea as my meals are consistent Monday-Friday anyway. I always prep my meals for the week so eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess my main question would be what kinds of foods do you buy for meals or snacks so you don't get burnt out and binge?

    I find the most important thing for me is to eat the foods that I enjoy -- that keeps me on track. What those are for me will probably be totally different than yours.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Yeah I just started this morning. I tracked and logged about 3 years ago and got extremely obsessive so it's taken me a while to want to go from intuitive eating to counting everything to the tee. My dinner tonight is going to be shrimp and broccoli. I haven't pre-logged, but that's a really good idea as my meals are consistent Monday-Friday anyway. I always prep my meals for the week so eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess my main question would be what kinds of foods do you buy for meals or snacks so you don't get burnt out and binge?

    I plan meals I enjoy. I can eat the same thing every day for weeks if I like the food... When I get bored I change my meals. If I restrict foods or calories too much I have issues with wanting to binge, so I don't do that.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    My breakfast for the last 3 months is what I put in my diary this morning. If it's not the oatmeal, it's an omlette with 2 eggs, egg whites, feta cheese, ground turkey, and an avocado to top. I take my lunch to work - so it's usually 4 choices depending on what I buy at the store: 1) grilled chicken tenders, jasmine rice or quinoa, and asparagus. 2) grilled chicken, butternut squash, quinoa. 3) bell pepper with ground turkey, quinoa, turkey bacon. 4) ground turkey, jasmine rice, and grilled veggies. Dinner is typically the same as lunch.

    I eat healthy 80/20 and most people would say I'm a little over the top with it, but I just paid for premium on MFP and want to get back into counting again so the next time I want to eat intuitively, my measurements may be more accurately
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2017
    Yeah I just started this morning. I tracked and logged about 3 years ago and got extremely obsessive so it's taken me a while to want to go from intuitive eating to counting everything to the tee. My dinner tonight is going to be shrimp and broccoli. I haven't pre-logged, but that's a really good idea as my meals are consistent Monday-Friday anyway. I always prep my meals for the week so eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess my main question would be what kinds of foods do you buy for meals or snacks so you don't get burnt out and binge?

    If I can make my breakfasts and lunches balanced for 'staying power' in other words filling and provide me satiety this takes care of any issues I might have later on in the day. I have never been a binger per se, but I have been hangry and protein and fats help me with satiety, but usually a balance of all three to meet cals.

    Yogurt, peanut butter, popcorn, string cheese, jerky, protein bars, etc. To reach cals maybe some calorie dense foods you could eat. This has a list of calorie dense foods, plenty of healthy options you can pick from the list.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    My breakfast for the last 3 months is what I put in my diary this morning. If it's not the oatmeal, it's an omlette with 2 eggs, egg whites, feta cheese, ground turkey, and an avocado to top. I take my lunch to work - so it's usually 4 choices depending on what I buy at the store: 1) grilled chicken tenders, jasmine rice or quinoa, and asparagus. 2) grilled chicken, butternut squash, quinoa. 3) bell pepper with ground turkey, quinoa, turkey bacon. 4) ground turkey, jasmine rice, and grilled veggies. Dinner is typically the same as lunch.

    I eat healthy 80/20 and most people would say I'm a little over the top with it, but I just paid for premium on MFP and want to get back into counting again so the next time I want to eat intuitively, my measurements may be more accurately

    With the exception of your egg breakfast, do you eat meals with much fat? What about fruit? Dessert? Yoghurts?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My breakfast for the last 3 months is what I put in my diary this morning. If it's not the oatmeal, it's an omlette with 2 eggs, egg whites, feta cheese, ground turkey, and an avocado to top. I take my lunch to work - so it's usually 4 choices depending on what I buy at the store: 1) grilled chicken tenders, jasmine rice or quinoa, and asparagus. 2) grilled chicken, butternut squash, quinoa. 3) bell pepper with ground turkey, quinoa, turkey bacon. 4) ground turkey, jasmine rice, and grilled veggies. Dinner is typically the same as lunch.

    I eat healthy 80/20 and most people would say I'm a little over the top with it, but I just paid for premium on MFP and want to get back into counting again so the next time I want to eat intuitively, my measurements may be more accurately

    if your dinner is going to be the same as lunch then you will be about 700 cals short for the day, and short on fat and protein?
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    I sautee my vegtables and cook with Coconut or Avocado oil for my ground turkey and I usually eat half an avocado or a full avocado every day and I usually try to eat one serving of Justin's peanut butter in the individual package with a slice of Ezekial bread. I also have pecans and almonds or cheese slices w/ whole wheat Ritz crackers as a snack
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Fruit is usually blueberries or bananas. I haven't had yogurt in a while but when I do it's always plain Oikos yogurt. If I eat dessert it's usually ice cream and I go for the individually packed ice cream. Or I'll eat the Lenny and Larry's cookie.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I sautee my vegtables and cook with Coconut or Avocado oil for my ground turkey and I usually eat half an avocado or a full avocado every day and I usually try to eat one serving of Justin's peanut butter in the individual package with a slice of Ezekial bread. I also have pecans and almonds or cheese slices w/ whole wheat Ritz crackers as a snack

    Since hardly any of those foods are in your diary for the day, I think it might be premature for you to ask for help with your logging. It's hard for us to provide feedback when we don't really know what you're eating.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I sautee my vegtables and cook with Coconut or Avocado oil for my ground turkey and I usually eat half an avocado or a full avocado every day and I usually try to eat one serving of Justin's peanut butter in the individual package with a slice of Ezekial bread. I also have pecans and almonds or cheese slices w/ whole wheat Ritz crackers as a snack
    Fruit is usually blueberries or bananas. I haven't had yogurt in a while but when I do it's always plain Oikos yogurt. If I eat dessert it's usually ice cream and I go for the individually packed ice cream. Or I'll eat the Lenny and Larry's cookie.

    I think if you incorporate all of these.. I aksed in my post up thread if there were there any foods you are eating now' that can help you reach your goal?

    Log for a week. Maybe come back after that and describe any thing you are not happy with and maybe we can help after that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you keep posting lists of things you're eating, but they aren't in your diary, that you have asked people to look at... so how can we comment?!
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Well I meant for what I have in there today so I can tweak it as the week goes on. I was listing in this thread what I've eaten intuitively so that maybe someone that knows more about macros/what's worked for them could help with that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well I meant for what I have in there today so I can tweak it as the week goes on. I was listing in this thread what I've eaten intuitively so that maybe someone that knows more about macros/what's worked for them could help with that.

    my comments for today are upthread.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Pre-log your day. Before you have breakfast, get on MFP and log your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Then check your macros and see where you need to tweak. Tweak accordingly.

    My tweak today was adding a cup of ice cream after dinner to bump up my fats and carbs, because they were a bit low.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well I meant for what I have in there today so I can tweak it as the week goes on. I was listing in this thread what I've eaten intuitively so that maybe someone that knows more about macros/what's worked for them could help with that.

    I provided with as much info as I could based on what works for myself. And my diary is was open too.