Young woman trying to lose 20-30 lb

Hi! I'm 5'6" and I'm trying to get down to a healthy weight. I found out that about 150 is the cap for someone my height, but I'd like to get down to 140. I've been eating two meals a day and counting calories, as well as walking for an hour 3 times a week. I was 175 but in the past two weeks I've got down to 167.
Although I have lost 8 lb overall in just under 2 weeks, sometimes the scale discourages me because I check it every morning and our weight does fluctuate for various reasons, especially if you're a woman. I wonder if I should check the scale less often.
Anyone in or been in a similar situation to me?


  • hebenn01
    hebenn01 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in a very similar situation! I have lost 5 pounds in about a month and would like to drop another 18 to get to 150. You've lost 8 in half that time which is wonderful but don't get discouraged when the remaining weight doesn't come off quite as quickly.
    I definitely recommend only weighing in once a week or so. Just put your scale in the closet so you're not tempted!
  • SharonTeresa91
    SharonTeresa91 Posts: 6 Member
    Just check it once a week in the morning. My weight fluctuates as well so checking it everyday is pointless and discouraging. Also I get excited to check it once per week to see some evidence of my hard work :)
  • bostonbirdie
    bostonbirdie Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I'm also 5'6" and trying to hit 150! I definitely had a problem with checking the scale every day. I'd suggest only checking once a week at the same time (ex. Friday mornings at 8am). Checking the scale every day is really discouraging since there are so many factors that can affect your weight! If you want an accountability buddy let me know. I'm always willing to lend an ear if you are feeling discouraged!
  • bap4true
    bap4true Posts: 1 Member
    Resist the temptation to weigh daily. Remember the scale is not your friend ! LOL I suggest that you only weight once per week. This would be like if you went to a Weight Watcher meeting, doctor's appointment. If you are following your plan you have no need to worry. I hope you took measurements because sometimes the scale will not move but the tape measure will especially if you are exercising building muscle.
  • CannedKindness
    CannedKindness Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I'm also 5'6" and trying to hit 150! I definitely had a problem with checking the scale every day. I'd suggest only checking once a week at the same time (ex. Friday mornings at 8am). Checking the scale every day is really discouraging since there are so many factors that can affect your weight! If you want an accountability buddy let me know. I'm always willing to lend an ear if you are feeling discouraged!

    Do you know how to send friend requests on here? I'd like to send you one but I'm not sure how it works!
  • Sambo_fitness
    Sambo_fitness Posts: 137 Member
    Just another thought - take measurements!!!! Lean mass takes up less space than body fat.

    You said that you are walking for over an hour for 3 times a week, which is great! Have you considered spending less time walking and doing a medium intensity cardio or lifting workout for 30 minutes instead? If you are not pushing your body to work harder with each workout, it will plateau. You want to track muscle growth, not weight!

    Message me if you have any questions!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Congrats on your loss so far. It's OK to weigh daily and most of us who do, use a trending app like ne Happy Scale or Trendweight. Data on your natural fluctuations is good information to understand. If you understand it, you're less likely to get stressed by it.