food and nutition

I have a question about going into starvation mode. MFP says I should be on eating 2037 daily. I've been shooting for 1500. I'm burning 1000 through exercise. Do I have to eat 3037? I'm losing weight consistantly.


  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Is the 2037 figured after exercise? If so, I would start eating a little bit more. You may be dropping the weight now, but you'll eventually hit a plateau and it'll be really hard to get any more off. Your body needs fuel to burn.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Scientifically speaking, 3037 is what your body needs to maintain it's current weight if you're burning off a thousand calories in exercise. You have to find a good balance between calories lost through exercise and through cutting back on food. If you mess either one up, it messes everything up.
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    2037 was to lose 1to 2 lbs a week. then i see on the home page it adds your exercise.i'm pretty sure I'll never lose weight that way
  • GuamMom
    GuamMom Posts: 55 Member
    I agree you dont lose weight if you eat your (earned) or workout Calories hang in there!!! Your doing great!!!
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    If you eat all your exercise calories, you'll maintain your weight. But you can't have a really huge deficit, either.
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    i just read you shouldn't go under 1200 is that figure also true for men
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Bigger people (by that I don't just mean more fat, I mean taller, with more muscle mass, and more fat, and more bone mass) can have larger deficits without doing serious damage to their muscle mass. But make no mistake, as you lose weight, you will need to reduce your deficit, your body is right now (and will continue) losing muscle mass, it may not be a lot if you continue to exercise, but remember, as the amount of available fat decreases, the energy you intake must increase or else your body will search out and find alternate fuel sources, the main source will be muscle mass!

    I'm trying to say, if it's working and you're seeing results right now, great! But don't expect the same results as you drop fat, you need to modify to continue with success. The slower, more gradual loss of fat will allow your body to adjust as needed without undo stress (dropping 3 lbs a week sounds great until you realize 6 months from now that you really did some damage, better to lose 1.5 lbs a week and be able to continue at that pace for a long time with small adjustments)