Women with PCOS and/or on low carb diets

Mrsgoals Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! Just getting started here, looking for women to follow/friend who share similar goals! I'm looking to lose an initial 30lbs. Interested in low carb diets due to health issues. Add me if you are too!

Just realized I should add some more information about myself. I'm almost 28 (2 months away!), I want to lose 30 lbs, but if I achieve that, I'd like to lose a total of 60lbs. I'm going to be getting married and (hopefully) pregnant within the next 3 years so I'm really hoping to improve my overall health as well as look/feel better.


  • Sakora487
    Sakora487 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm new as well and was recently diagnosed with PCOS; currently doing blood workup regarding further hormone / insulin resistance.

    My goals are to reduce weight, balance hormones, and get pregnant, feeling good and looking good! Hoping to get back to about 150 - 160 lbs (Currently 208 lbs)

    My history: played semi pro soccer when I was younger, gained some weight in my 20's and usually sat around 170-190lbs. In 2013 I spent a the first quarter of the year working hard and was down to 150lbs; then I got lazy and fell off the healthy wagon. Both my Husband and I know a lot about nutrition and weight lifting; sadly we haven't been using that knowledge. But after this last year between his diagnosis (Hashimoto's and Low T) and my diagnosis (PCOS); its time we use that knowledge!

    Since 2015 I've put on about 40-50lbs which is really outside the normals but I figured it was just due to my inactivity. In hindsight; it was due to a hormone problem. I didn't eat terribly, and usually was within 1500cal but high in bad carbs. I've had classic symptoms of PCOS for about the last 10 years; weight gain, thinning hear on my head / eyebrows, acne, thicker oily skin, thicker thigh hairs (particularly on the inner and back of the thigh). Most of the time I was on a BCP so I was regular. It was only after getting married in 2015 that my cycles were irregular; doctors blaming the BCP saying it will need to be at least a year to regulate. Earlier in the fall I switched doctors cause I was tired of being told its from the BCP.

    I'm about a week into going really low carb (75g or less) / no sugar - its been interesting; similar to the diet I had previously in 2013. I can say right now, my body is throwing a tantrum; it wants carbs and feels like its going to break its crayons because I'm not giving in.

    Food Focus:
    • Tracking my food, and eating in regular intervals to reduce spiking insulin.
    • Making smarter choices - Carbs, if I am consuming carbs they are slow acting carbs (higher in fiber) subbing white rice for brown rice (not instant, the 45+minutes to cook kind) if I want pasta using spaghetti squash etc.
    • Watching my sugars; making sure what I put into my body isn't full of refined sugars. Keeping natural sugars low and moderated as well.
    • Retraining my brain/stomach that I don't need to feel FULL to have completed a meal; and if I'm still hungry drink more water.

    I have an addiction to fizzy drinks; I don't care for Diet pop/soda so I have switched over to using Club soda and "Diet" / low sugar juices. And it's important to increase protein intake, I have 1-2 protein shakes a day (Vanilla Caramel - Carnivor Beef Protein) with an unsweetened almond milk. Soy can cause issues with PCOS; and I prefer Almond Milk to Soy Milk.

    I dearly love bread, and I haven't quite figured out how to fix that craving yet. I also love chips, so I have switched to eating Kale chips (Walmart has a huge bag if precut Kale) that make them perfect to season and roast!

    Feel free to add me! Support is essential in staying strong!
  • starnold2418
    starnold2418 Posts: 8 Member
    While I don’t have PCOS (I’m a guy) I use to promote a product to OBGYNs for it. Try doing a plant based diet for several weeks and see how you feel. I was pre diabetic and have been a vegetarian for a little over 3 months and my blood sugar is normal now. Meat (especially chicken) throws my blood sugar into chaos. Good luck!
  • NewMe4Life247
    NewMe4Life247 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel your pain breaking the carb addiction. Tylenol didn't help, I cried and just told myself I was more sick of being fat than wanting what I was craving. Cravings are better now, no headache. I also slowed down my eating. I chew more and take smaller bites.
  • silverblaze55
    silverblaze55 Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2017
    Pcos and insulin resistance here. I've been doing the low carb/minimal sugar thing for a little over two years.
    Something my Dr told me was that artificial sweeteners, while they don't impact blood sugar, will cause more sugar cravings. For me, if i cut out breads, pasta, potatoes, and sugar (including high sugar fruits) for about two weeks, my cravings stop. Eating even a little bit of any of those things though... even if it's not enough to mess with my insulin and make me sick, will trigger cravings again.
    Oatmeal and quinoa are fine to eat. Ezekiel bread is fine. Any whole grains bread with high fiber is okay if you only eat one slice at a time.
    It's more 'right kind of carbs' than 'low carb'. Of course my carb intake is normally fairly low, but if I'm eating a lot of quinoa my carbs can easily go over 100 without bothering me.
    I've been eating some stuff i shouldn't recently and boy I'm paying for it. Just getting back on track post thanksgiving right now.

    Eta: feel free to add me. I'm on mobile and don't know how to add friends from here yet lol.
  • ipmac22
    ipmac22 Posts: 74 Member
    Also PCOS and insulin resistant here. Hi ladies (and starnold)! I stay on the lower carb recommendations, but I don't do "low carb". I aim for 45% for carb macros. Lower carb didn't work out for me and my dietitian convinced me to stop because I felt terrible and wasn't getting any results. But what I can say, even if you are doing low carb... I started eating way more of the ancient grains, and eating even just a little bit of barley, farro, wheat berries and stuff like that proved to be extremely satisfying and I stopped craving bread and pasta (oh how I love pasta!). I add just a bit to my mostly lean meat and veggie meals, and it has made a world of difference. So the more whole the grain, the better your body may like it and use it, leaving you with less cravings for the other stuff.

    Hope this helps!
  • jfigler
    jfigler Posts: 4 Member
    PCOS and insulin resistant here. Slowly losing weight from trying to be more active and eating less processed foods, cutting back on sugar and drinking way more water. I don't track my food as well as I should but I'm trying.
  • ashdon14
    ashdon14 Posts: 7 Member
    New to MFP but have had PCOS for years and have struggled with the symptoms and my weight ever since being diagnosed. I have had success doing a low carb diet in the past and lost 40 pounds for my wedding. I gained it all back plus some after I had my daughter. I am currently starting the ketogenic / low carb diet again in hopes to lose alot of weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle.