I quit cigarettes today.......



  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I just put a patch on last night before bed. I've smoked on and off for 26 years, so it's the longest relationship I've had.

    I decided a few months ago that I wanted to get back into shape so 8 weeks ago, I started the C25K program. I've done better than I thought I would, but am really struggling and KNOW it's because of smoking. I'll be at 12 hours soon and have had moments of struggling, but I know I can't meet my fitness goals if I'm still smoking.

    I've set up rewards for myself based on how much I'm saving by not smoking. At 26 days, I can buy a really good new pair of running shoes. Almost 60 days after that, I can buy a GPS/HRM watch.

    I wish I could exercise every time a craving hits, but it's impractical while I'm on conference calls for work, but a great idea the rest of the time. If nothing else, I'll tire myself out and I generally don't have the desire to smoke when I'm asleep.

    Keep going -- you can do it!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I smoked my last cigarette in April 28th. I used an electronic cig for a few weeks, didn't do much for me so I tossed it. Over the past 20 years I have quit 1000 times. This time it's final. I have never gone this long and I don't miss it. My friends smoking doesn't bother me, drinking doesn't bother me. I just know I'm done.

    Just remember this. It's not how many times you quit, it's that you keep trying!

    Congrats and good luck!
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Hey, everyone thanks for the responses!

    As for the girl who said that she's afraid of stress eating, I was too.
    However, I decided to not let stress cause me to eat.
    Whenever I have a craving for a cigarette I just go skateboarding, or do something else active. It's a pretty good way of keeping your mind off of it.

    I have probably worked out 20 times today lol

    I've never smoked but I used to beg my Mom to quit. I used to flush her cigarettes down the toilet (I know not very mature). Her line was always 'I don't want to gain weight". My response was always "I'd rather have a mother a little overweight than 1 dying of cancer" (she wasn't sick at the time). Unfortunately it was heart attack that took her far too young!!

    Congrats, please don't start up again.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    ex smoker
    almost a year
    I did Nicorette lozenges
    then ecigs
  • Bridgysmalls
    Good luck...

    Never been a smoker myself, I cant see the appeal at all...they are very expensive, stink, and kill you - No brainer really!

    I guess I am lucky i didn't hang out with many smokers so didn't get into it...

    anyway, seriously good luck with it and hope you succeed
  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    Awesome! I quit cold turkey, too. This was back in March of 2011 and I haven't picked up a cigarette since. It gets easier, I think the third day after quitting is the worst. I even quit drinking coffee (recently started drinking iced coffee again because early mornings and college haha). I just think that it helps, just like any other addiction, avoid things that trigger you. I tried the patches and the e-cigs before quitting cold turkey and the cold turkey was what worked. I also had some 'accountabili-buddy's' who, if I asked for a smoke at a party or something, would remind me that I had quit haha. It helped! Good luck! (:
  • doherty1977
    doherty1977 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm right there with you!!! Smoked my last butt this morning. It was a decision the hubby and I made together because if one of us smokes, the other one will!!! Good luck!!!!!!
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    Congrats!!! I am a Quitter of 2 years now!! Breath so much better and my house smells so much cleaner!!

    as time goes on you will be able to smell that stale smoke on other ppl and in their homes!!! Like being around an Old Astray!! YUCKO!!

    omg this. i quit in 2006. at first the stale-ness didn't bother me. i have a friend who smokes. she must smoke in her place with all windows/patio door closed, because it stinks in there. also, when we meet out places, she is covered in the stale-ness and i can smell it as well

    i'm like cotdamn did i use to smell like that??!!
  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    December will be 4 years since I quit... I stopped because I was pregnant. But I now weigh less than before I got pregnant! It can be done and you'll free so much better! And you'll have a lot more money too!:wink:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Good luck.

    Quitting smoking is probably the most important "lifestyle choice" you can make for your health (and your wealth). I quit over 20 years ago, put on a few pounds (food tastes so much better) but that's definitely the lesser of 2 evils.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I quit cold turkey 3.5 years ago after smoking for 14 years. It wasn't horrible. I still get occasional cravings, but it's mostly when I drink and someone near me happens to light up a cigarette. You can do it! Good luck!
  • LisaUlrey
    LisaUlrey Posts: 136 Member
    I quit cold turkey 7 years ago. I haven't touched a cigarette since. My advice to you is: You have to really want it. If there is any part of you, any tiny little part that wants to smoke, you will. You have to have will power. You can do it.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I smoked for 18 years...never drove a car or had a beer with a cig in hand! I finally quit in 2005 cold turkey.....the physical effects leave your body in 72 hours....it just a mental challenge after that! I used a lot of on line support...there are sites that add up the amount of $$ you save based upon what you use to smoke and also tell you how many days you have added onto your life after so many smoke free days.....I loved it...so happy I quit.....Good luck!!
  • EmilyM_1986
    Congratulations! I quit smoking on 1st October 2012. I used an E-cig for the first two months before giving it up completely.

    For me, the difficulty was changing my routine. I am a creature of habit, it was less about craving cigarettes and more about it being 'time' for a cigarette because that's what I always did at 11am etc. Now at times I would have smoked I get up, walk to a different room and then walk back. That way I don't stress about the routine being different,

    For me, the first three/four weeks were easy, it seemed like it was no effort at all. Week 5 was when it hit me and the mood swings / chocolate button binge-eating began.

    It's great you've got a method in place to stop from stress-eating, just don't be too hard on yourself.

    One suggestion - download a free app to keep track of days/weeks stopped, money saved by not smoking etc - this kept me going because I didn't want to reset the app back to zero!

    Knowing you've so far saved over £1500 is a great incentive to not start up again - that's gonna pay for me to do a trek somewhere when I'm fit enough to do one!

    Keep up the great work!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    Have any of you quit when your SO smokes? My BF and I quit at the same time and almost killed each other (lol). I'm not sure if one of us can quit without the other tho. We don't smoke in the house, but we are together 24/7. Any experience or advice with this?

    edited to add that we are both smoking again - only made it about 2-3 weeks.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    I quit on 24 Jul...... on my 8th day of being a non smoker.

    Cold Turkey...... no gum, no drugs.... not even the e-cigarette (which I bought one last year with the intentions of using it to quit but I never did).

    Had to quit coffee as well for the first couple of days as it was the biggest Trigger for me to smoke. I drank coffee and smoked... take away one, then I didnt have the other. Going thru caffiene and nicotine withdrawal was sooooo fun. But I did it... and so can you. Smoked for 30 years.

    My husband is still Smoking and it is a constant reminder for me on how it smells horrible...

    Good luck..........
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I quit a long time ago, more than 10 years, when I had pneumonia. It was easy.
    My husband quit this past May 18. I'm so proud of him because he's had a very hard time, but he said when he started wheezing every time he had to walk up the stairs or ladder at work (plumber), he realized that smoking was killing him and that he had to stop. He's had a couple of cigarettes since then but hated the way they made his chest feel.

    Best wishes to you!
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    I used to smoke when I was drinking, then it upped to about 5 a day, it gave me something to do when I was feeling awkward in social situations. That's all I miss. I used an E cig, which I still have for when I'm drinking but usually don't use it because I forget where I've left it or it's charger. My desire to smoke is less than my desire to organise my use of an electronic devise :laugh:
  • dvandyke75
    dvandyke75 Posts: 3 Member
    Great job! I also quit cigarettes today.

    Twice, in the last year, I have gone a full week without smoking because I was on vacation with my family that doesn't smoke. Once I got back to my 'normal' life, I started smoking again.
    There are so many triggers that you can ignore when you are out of your usual routine. Some of my biggest ones are: Driving!! when I get into my car, I automatically crack my window. Drinking.... probably woudn't hurt to cut that out for awhile either. Eating... I smoke after meals. And the vast majority of my friends are smokers. So I might have to be a walking loner for awhile!!

    Anyway, I am stocked up on gum, looking into making some cinnamon flavored toothpicks to chew on, and ready to quit once and for all!

  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I smoke. I cut down when I started working out. I won't smoke the day I exercise, or ideally the night before either, which, is most days. My partner smokes, quite a bit sometimes, so I only ever smoke with her. I currently have a very sore throat from too many cigarettes a couple of nights ago and I realise it wasn't a very clever thing to do. But, when you're up late with your SO, listening to music and drinking rum, then cigarettes will inevitably be a part of that too.

    I think I could quit. I don't miss it on my gym days. I just don't particularly want to. Everyone has a vice.