Need help with a goal..

For the past several months I’ve been cutting, and lost around 50lbs from 230 to ~178 (5’8).
I would like to be at my best in 6 months for now for my wedding, however I’ve tried maintence + weights the past 3 weeks and don’t see any progress in terms of muscle mass.

My goal is ~165-170 with more muscle mass then I have now. I’m currently 180 with low muscle mass (never really trained).
What should I do the next 6 months to meet this goal? I’m comfortable with how I look now and don’t mind bulking and then cutting again but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.
Should I keep cutting until 160 then bulk and final cut? Or should I bulk now and then focus 2 mos to cut afterwards?
Is there any other routes I can go as well? Thanks.
