6 months of heavy lifting

3x5 45lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
3x5 150lbs 7/5/2017
2x5 260lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 320 8/21/2017
1rm 330 10/20/2017
1rm 360 11/30/2017

3x5 45lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
3x5 135lbs 7/5/2017
3x3 160lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 185lbs 8/25/2017
1rm 210lbs 10/19/2017 - SO DAMN CLOSE TO 2 PLATES!
Same, shoulder issue prevented much more than maintaining

1x5 65lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
1x5 265lbs 7/5/2017
1x5 335lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 405 8/25/2017
1rm 416 10/16/2017
1rm 455 11/19/2017

My squats and deadlift are still going up but had issues with left shoulder causing a bit of a stall on the bench. Ran "Old Man Texas" a variation of Texas Method from Barbell Logic podcast #17. It is working but I need to spend less time in the gym. Some days are around 2.5 hours and a bit long. Going to try a 4 day Texas Method split that has volume day and intensity day for press, squat, bench, and deadlift each week. Weekly progression with microplates if needed. This should get time in the gym to less than 2 hours.

The plus side is I found I like standing press and they make shoulder feel better. Going to be doing a lot more of them in future.

Other things:
BP at 130/80 no meds, weight steady at 245 at 5'9". Now weight might be little high but waist is at 38" and neck is 18". I don't want to be a twig so I am going to stay at 245 and just lift heavy. Waist might come down a bit more but not going to lose any more muscle mass. Who cares about BMI when I am getting a yoke >:) Don't take that as I feel I can be a fat *kitten*. I'll never let my pants get over 40" again and would like to be in 36" but eating below maintenance was messing with my lifts. At maintenance, I have been adding 5-10lbs a week to squats and deads.

Had a weird feeling today while lifting. I was at one time one of the weaker guys there. Today I noticed when doing working sets at 340 squats that something was off. It was that I hardly ever see anyone squatting 3 plates and I am hoping for 4 by next April. Then when I got on the platform I noticed some people staring at me after first work set at 425 for deads. I figure I was loud or form might have been off a bit. Later the same group was struggling with 315 on deads with really rounded back. Guess I am not one of the weaker guys anymore. Crank the Metallica and lift.