Im new

Hi everyone, I've just joined. Just here at the mo to keep track of my eating habits as im pregnant and want to eat healthier my baby is due 22nd sept. So the long haul will start after baby has arrived. Will look forward to speaking to you all.
Here's for the long road ahead.
Nicky x


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome Nicky, congratulations on the baby.
  • noodle79
    noodle79 Posts: 5
    Hi hun, thank you for the congrats. Im looking forward to starting to lose weight properly after baby is here. Hope you are ok? x
  • DMK710
    DMK710 Posts: 106 Member
    My daughter invited me to join "myfitnesspal" and i'm looking forward to losing the weight that is so hard to lose.
  • Stacey168
    Stacey168 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm new to my fitness pal, joined yesterday and quite liking it I must say. May need a few questions answering tho as the days go by.

    Stacey :) x
  • MissMP
    MissMP Posts: 3
    I'm fairly new as well. :)