Pain Behind Knee While Running

Question for all the runners out there:

I'm not exactly a newbie to running, but I'm not a runaholic either. Since highschool, it's been fairly typical for me to run about 3 miles 3x a week, depending on the season and time of life. I have not been running more than this at any point recently.

However, a few weeks ago, with no change in my running routine, I started to notice some pain/tension BEHIND my right knee, right after an interval of faster pacing. It's not sharp, more like a dull ache/pressure and it doesn't seem to be joint related (not INSIDE the knee) but feels like more of a supporting muscle pain which extends from behind to the outer side of my knee area.

I don't have a car, so I walk and bike everywhere inside my city, and this nagging...feeling? happens during those activities as well, though not as much. Thoughts on this: what it could be and/or treatment? Is this something others have experienced and had resolved through time, rest and ibuprofen, or is it worth getting the physical therapy referral?



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I just read this running tip: if it hurts for 2 days, take a break. If it hurts for 2 weeks, see the doctor..