Do people get Annoyed with you?



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    of course they do...

    i'm really really really really annoying...

    it comes with the territory of being funny....

    sometimes it's hit and miss....

    some days i'm on fire....other days i'm the obnoxious twit you wish you didn't have on your FL.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    I get annoyed the other way. Everyone things they are my food police now. I generally eat better now, but they still have to comment if they see me put one bad thing in my mouth. The one that bugs the crap out of me is "salad dressing is bad for you" when they see me hvae it with my salad. First thing, IM HAVING A DAMN SALAD!!!! A salad with dressing is better than the 4 taco bell combo burritos and twisties and xl dr pepper I used to regularly get. Plus I dip instead of pour, and its low calorie dressing. thats what bugs me.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    My mom thinks I've lost "enough" weight.

    No mom, when I can buy clothes in a regular store and don't have a BMI that puts me into the "candidate for bariatric surgery" category, I will have lost enough weight, it is not natural to be in my late twenties and never have been below 200 lbs since puberty.

    Also, I have a concern troll coworker who always seems to be talking about "eating healthier" but doesn't know how nutrition or calorie counting works who loves critiquing my food choices and other people's within my hearing and giving a lot of bad information. According to her everything gives you cancer and the best way to lose weight is to go to a workout class for one session, then do a workout video on your off day and cancel the class because the trainer told you what I would have told you

    "Of course you're sore, you did a 50 minute workout on your resting day!"
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    No one, and I mean NO ONE has ever tried to tell me how to eat. Ever. NEVER. I'm rather amazed that so many people run into this... maybe I'm sheltered... (doubtful)

    At any rate. If anyone ever tries, my answer will simply be this: "You didn't tell me I had to correct my eating when I was obese - you don't get to tell me I have to change something now that I'm Healthy"
  • RedVelvet0101
    RedVelvet0101 Posts: 2 Member
    This has happened to me so much, but usually with people I haven't seen in a while. They see me losing weight and feeling better and they take it as a slight, like I'm doing this to be better than them or something. My nutritionist called it emotional sabotage, where they feel like you're making them look lazy/bad and feel the need to try and tempt you or belittle how you've done. Just yesterday I had an in-law say "I wish my weight came off as easy as yours, but I'm older and have kids and blah blah," woman, ain't a day in my life that is "easy" and that's the whole point. Losing weight and staying healthy takes work, and if you're doing well at it, ignore the haters.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Other way round for me i try force it on my family they are quite clueless bout losing weight etc..specially the old man doing diet shkaes lol.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Around the holidays family members would make comments and try to push food on me but now they realize that I am not breaking down, this is my life, my one and only body to live in I got to treat it right...
  • pcpharr
    pcpharr Posts: 37 Member
    I get annoyed the other way. Everyone things they are my food police now. I generally eat better now, but they still have to comment if they see me put one bad thing in my mouth. The one that bugs the crap out of me is "salad dressing is bad for you" when they see me hvae it with my salad. First thing, IM HAVING A DAMN SALAD!!!! A salad with dressing is better than the 4 taco bell combo burritos and twisties and xl dr pepper I used to regularly get. Plus I dip instead of pour, and its low calorie dressing. thats what bugs me.

  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    of course they do...

    i'm really really really really annoying...

    it comes with the territory of being funny....

    sometimes it's hit and miss....

    some days i'm on fire....other days i'm the obnoxious twit you wish you didn't have on your FL.

  • twenty20tunnelvision
    twenty20tunnelvision Posts: 43 Member
    You know what they say.... "Misery loves company." I think you'll find this true for many aspects of life.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    Mostly it's not on purpose. I have a couple friends who are natural-born hostesses- they don't feel right unless they are providing food and drink. It's very hard on them when I say no thank you. I watch them struggle with the concept. They come around, but I often have to say no several times first. And I get annoyed with my one friend who is always trying to "cook healthy" for me, but has no idea what that actually entails. She insists on trying to make things low fat, which is not something I care about in the least, and then she's dissatisfied with the results and I feel like it's somehow my fault. Despite having told her not to bother, really. REALLY.

    But I love her anyway and someday I'll be on maintenance and she'll stop thinking of me as being "on a diet" and that will be a good day for both of us!
  • maddymartinec
    Yes! That's my family all the time!
  • bcarman86
    bcarman86 Posts: 51 Member
    My grandma would always pinch my love handles and comment on how much weight I had gained. Then she would offer me homemade cookies or pie..
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    just break up
  • johnsonb0921
    johnsonb0921 Posts: 35 Member
    OH.EM.GEE. I have never even posted on here and just HAD to comment: YES! My mother is always the first (also, ONLY) person to tell me how fat she thinks I am. She has been obese her entire life and has been putting herself down in front of my sister and I constantly throughout our entire lives. If we eat out together or prepare dinner together, and I do anything even remotely resembling making healthy choices, she says "oh god, you're too healthy, just put the damn butter/cream/fatty-whatever in it!". She also attempts to get me to binge eat with her. Once I saw her down half a dozen cupcakes in a sitting! I know it's because of her own issues with food, but it makes me SO IRRITATED that she constantly criticizes me because of my weight and then sabotages any attempt I make to not be heavy.

    The OTHER thing is, after losing a bunch of weight, people have started telling me "Don't lose any more! You're too skinny! Being too skinny is unhealthy!". Make no mistake, I am a size 12 with a healthy belly roll, still 10 pounds into the "Overweight" category of the BMI scale. Have we become so desensitized to obesity in our society that a size 12 is considered "too skinny"?? I am far from being dangerously thin! I think one of the other commenters was 100% correct when they said that your success reminds these people of their own failures. Just ignore them, you're a beast, and you're going to reach your goals! :)
  • robnfc
    robnfc Posts: 17
    Yep, if I'm on a night out and we move off the beer and onto the spirits my friends seem to be genuinely shocked and annoyed if I order a JD and DIET coke!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    TOPIC: Do people get Annoyed with you?

    I am constantly told that I am extremely annoying on MFP. Lucky for me there are only a handful of people I allow where it would bother me if they said that. Even more luckily, they love and adore me, like I do them.
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    My parents are supportive, sure... The problem is that usually mom cooks, and she's about as aware of healthy food as I am... So I've been having to cook for myself. Which is fine, but man, sometimes I'd love those hotdogs instead of quinoa. They don't do it on purpose, but they always tell me how proud they are that I seem to be sticking with it. I haven't weighed myself all month haha. We'll see tomorrow how I've been.

    My boyfriend is also supportive but has zero willpower. I keep telling him I'm eating healthy, but he looves **** food. So sometimes I feel like 'one of those people' saying "No I don't want to go to Wendy's! I'm eating healthy!"
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    No, luckily everyone is very supportive, especially my fiance who eats my "diet food" with me. He knows we could both stand to lose a few pounds, so he is eager to try new things and go to the gym with me. If I don't want crap food in the house, he doesn't push it. In fact, I like crap food more than he does :p
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I get annoyed the other way. Everyone things they are my food police now. I generally eat better now, but they still have to comment if they see me put one bad thing in my mouth. The one that bugs the crap out of me is "salad dressing is bad for you" when they see me hvae it with my salad. First thing, IM HAVING A DAMN SALAD!!!! A salad with dressing is better than the 4 taco bell combo burritos and twisties and xl dr pepper I used to regularly get. Plus I dip instead of pour, and its low calorie dressing. thats what bugs me.

    My MIL is the dessert police with me. She has food issues of her own and is extremely contradictory. She wants her son (my hubby) to lose weight, yet treats him like the family garbage can, always shoving food at him and then nagging him for being too fat. She gets on my case about using Caesar dressing and chocolate chip cookies. She doesn't understand calorie counting/food tracking, and is stuck in the 1970s mentality of no dessert/sweets = weight loss. There are days when I want to choke her with a cannoli, but then I'd be out a cannoli.