Weight not budging

hi i am new to this. when i started i weighed 74kg and im trying to get down to 60 kg. i started my weight loss by cutting out sugar and lost 1kg in the first week. then nothing for the next 3 weeks. i then decided to cut out all the stodgy carbs like bread, pasta and rice and lost another 1kg in the fifth week and again nothing for the following 3 weeks. i have been doing power walking with jogging intervals and weight training (not religiously) but still cant get the scales to move. it's becoming quite frustrating considering im eating so much better but still cant get down to below 72 kg. im also drinking a heap more water than i ever did. im eating around 1200 calories per day of mostly fruit, vegetables, turkey breast, almonds and either beef or chicken.

can anyone suggest ideas as i seem to have plateaued and am only just back to what i weighed before christmas. i usually can get down to 69kg without even trying letalone cutting out foods and exercising. i hate exercising so i am really pushing myself but feel if i dont start losing weight soon i will become completely unmotivated and go back to my unhealthy eating habits and not only put it all back on but probably some more! 2 kg after 8 weeks just doesnt seem worth it!!!

i have been told to eat 5 small meals instead of 3. i struggle with breakfast because i am just not interested in eating when i first wake up but am forcing myself to have a handful of raspberries. is this right or should i just eat when im hungry and listen to my body?

i am in my healthy weight range at 177cm tall but like most people would like to lose a few kilos and know that i can get back to 65kg at least which is where i was at the beginning of 2012. so i put on 9 kilos in a bit over 12 months. i am 33 years old so understand everything starts to slow down but seriously this is ridiculously slow! i have a photo at my heaviest that is a good reminder as to why im doing it but im so impatient!

i am eating fat in the form of almonds and i eat the fat on meat. weekends i tend to eat differently because im out socialising etc - i'll have a roast dinner instead of steamed or a pasta dish. and i always splurge on bacon and eggs mid morning.

my tdee is 2081 and my bmr is 1514. but i have read on one of those 12 week challenge things to limit my intake to 1200calories. ???

any help or advice on what i should i try to change things up and get the weight to shift would be greatly appreciated!


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    ask yourself, is that the way you want to live your life for the next 6 months, it probably won't be easy to be successful to limit your calories like that. I lost 80lbs by counting calories. It really doesn't matter what you eat, but eating healthy does make you feel full, but calories = calories (But you may not get your nutrients which will make you hungry)

    Only a doctor that does a physical can really tell you what would be best for your body type. MFP does a pretty good job on what the a person can eat to lose weight. Go with what it says, talk to your doctor, you'll be fine. Whatever you do, do it so that you can keep it up for years, not weeks and you will be very successful. (most people gain their weight back when they go off their diet because they go back to the habits that gained the weight in the first place, this is a proven fact)