Weekends - how do you get through them successfully

consumone Posts: 139 Member
First and Foremost, just because I always gain weight every weekend, I am NOT giving up. This is the first time I have ever said that - I AM NOT GIVING UP!

Now with that being said, I really need your help and maybe even a little support. Can you tell me how to make it through the weekends successfully? I really need help, when I am home I eat all darn day. How do I not do this? Do you have any tricks or techniques I can use? Please I really do not want to fail!!

Please feel free to add me as a friend if I can help motivate you and you will cheer me on!



  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Log something as soon as you eat it
    If you know you're going to have something, log it in advance
    Have brunch one of the days but not both (breakfast at 11 or 12), no lunch.
    Drink a lot of water (it's calorie-free)
  • consumone
    consumone Posts: 139 Member
    Both great ideas thank you - I can't keep doing this over and over - I lose 5 - gain 3 - over and over... So thank you!!!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    consumone wrote: »
    Both great ideas thank you - I can't keep doing this over and over - I lose 5 - gain 3 - over and over... So thank you!!!

    Also keep in mind that weight loss isn't linear, and doesn't immediately respond to everything you do. You need to look for long term trends, over weeks and months. If you give up to soon, you will never get anywhere. Everyone has bad days (and weeks). People who succeed simply keep going and do better tomorrow. It's a long term proposition. :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2017
    Even in maintenance I plan for the weekends - I eat at deficit Mon - Thus. So for you it's no different, shave of 100 calories here or there during the weekend so you can eat more at the weekends. Its best to get into the habit of not eating over what your maintenance cals would be over the weekend so some restricting still has to happen.

    Be choosy about what you eat, most of us like treats, cake or chocolate etc, more so for me on Saturdays when eating out and dessert being a treat. I'll share that with hubby, thats half the calories right away.

    I could happily scoff 3000 cals on a Saturday, but if I did I would gain. But I can get away with 2200 and not gaining. All because of banking calories. :smile:

    Also its good to keep active, if you know you are going to be eating over your calories, go for a walk or some sort of exercise - that always helps.
  • invitedchaos
    invitedchaos Posts: 45 Member
    If you can't curb your weekend snacking habits, tack on some extra exercise! Keeping busy/moving will also help occupy snacking time! I agree with Kimny72, as well... pre-logging helps me be more mindful of my consumption and make better choices about how I'm spending my calories.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Unless you're eating 10,000 calories over your Maintenance calories you aren't gaining actual weight, it's just increased water and/or more food in your system. If you're down five then up three you've lost two pounds for the week. That's the way it goes. Up/down is the natural order of things. No one is down every day.

    If you are in a deficit most of the time you'll lose. Being "over" on a day or two means not very much at all.

    You lost two pounds net. I have never made it through an entire week without going way over on at least one day and I've been maintaining a 75 pound weight loss for over ten years.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I find it helpful to make sure I get out and about, I also prefer to have brunch rather than a separate breakfast and lunch so I have more calories to play with in the early evening should I want to go out with friends or have a takeaway.
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    Plan, plan, plan.
    My trouble is during the weekends is my roommates and I get super lax with cooking so it becomes crazy easy to say yes to delivery. I've tried suggesting new healthier spots like freshii but apparently the call of chicken wings was too strong for the bestie haha.
    What I started doing is finding a good recipe for something nice and comforting but also really good (i.e. homemade chicken soup; we're soup enthusiasts at mine), and make a huge batch of it so that way it'll take a portion of your day but you can have leftovers for the next few days if you want.
    That's what helps me out, plus it forces me to work on bettering myself as a chef. ;)
    Either way though, it goes right back to planning everything out. Weekends are rough because you just want a break from it all but honestly if you work it out well enough you would be amazed as to what you can enjoy. :)
    Also, if you live with others and they buy snacks and chocolates for themselves - ban them from the snack cabinet so you're not tempted.
    I might just be a cookie thief in the dead of night...

    Hope this helps! :)
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Stay busy. Do something that occupies your mind so you don't think about eating/snacking all the time. I stay so busy some weekends I have to remind myself to eat.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    More time to exercise on weekends. You're supposed to eat back your exercise calories.