Looking for some inspiring fitness nerds, who log every single day!

Havanaohlala Posts: 52 Member
edited December 2017 in Getting Started

I am a woman, 5 ft 7, 141 pounds and want to lose 15-20 pounds to get in an even better shape than now. I eat around 1500 cals a day and aim for a tiny weekly deficit around 2000 cals, mainly from cardio. 500 deficits a day make me binge at the end of the week, so I decided to lose the weight in 10 mths-an year or so. I am a fan of dancers bodies. And low carbing.

If you have similar goals and/or you log every day and your log is visible for friends, please add me! I like inspiring fit people that know how to stick to a goal! I can offer my motivational support too. ;)



  • hopleyjana2049
    hopleyjana2049 Posts: 28 Member
    Add me, I log every day. I eat lot more then you, and I love carbs, other then that same :) I am on 200cal deficit too.
  • modzikaone
    modzikaone Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free and add me. I'm on 1387 calories...around 1400 on weight lifting training days or HIIT Circuit. My diet is slightly High Protein...40%P/35%C/25%F. My cycling carbs depends on my training days.
  • all4eternity125
    all4eternity125 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I'm 5ft7, 154 lbs. Lost 40lbs already, but log in about 2 months regularly. My goal weight is 138lbs. Doing high impact cardio 3x a week, strength training 3x a week and one day a week is rest or yoga, depend on the mood. Eat around 1300 kcal, but main thing is carb cycling. High carbs (about 50%) on strength day and low carbs (about 20%) on rest of the days.
    I log every single day! As a matter of fact, I log in the evening for tomorrow, that is how I plan, calculate and prepare meals for the whole day (I bring 2 meals at work).
  • stephaniedenise28
    stephaniedenise28 Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me- I started about 2 years ago at 76kg, got down to 61kg and have now worked my way back up to 67kg, but most of that has been muscle :) I eat about 2100 and weight 4x a week and 1x cardio !
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 5'2 130 lbs and use cardio to help me get into better shape as well. I've recently gotten back to logging all my meals. I made a goal of 1200 calories a day and generally do good not going over.
  • Havanaohlala
    Havanaohlala Posts: 52 Member
    hey girls, thanks! I will add all of you! Low carb or not does not matter for me of course. I like that you all are dedicated people and have similar goals.
    Looking forward to losing weight with you, I am sure if you dont quit you will acheave your goals!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I am currently keto for migraine control, and I log every day that I have internet access (some weekends I'm out of town and cant' get the app to work)...I'm 5'9", currently just over 20% body fat and trying to get down to 18%...weight is 148 at the moment...don't really have a final goal weight, just trying to build a bit of muscle and shed a bit of fluff...
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am looking for new friends. Anyone else can add me on here as well. I am 4"11 and 150lbs. I would like to lose 30lbs.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 220 Member
    Feel free to add me; triathlete, weightlifter, IT worker by day. I log daily and stay pretty rigidly on track.
  • zealouszoey
    zealouszoey Posts: 12 Member
    I have much loftier goals than you, however I log everyday and maintain a 2,000 calorie intake. Please feel free to add me as I would like to see what everybody else eats on a daily basis! I've been sick for a couple weeks and had family visiting (hence the break and sprite today), but if you go back farther my diary is filled out daily :smile:
  • jaimydude
    jaimydude Posts: 103 Member
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I am eating around 1650-1750 net per day have around another 50lbs total to shift, currently aiming for 35lbs and then switching from deficit to recomp, wouldn't consider myself a gym bunny, but I am fairly active, walk around 6-8km every day, currently on the C25K program, lift weights at home and go hiking most weekends. My fitness goals keep me sane when the scales aren't moving.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Just requested ya
  • aaronagostini
    aaronagostini Posts: 72 Member
    I definitely don't qualify as fit yet, but I log I'm here to login everyday and get better and better.
  • klenz525
    klenz525 Posts: 39 Member
    You can add me! I log every day, lift 4 days a week, cardio 2 days a week, and follow a keto diet.
  • brentopia
    brentopia Posts: 113 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me, if you wish... I'm almost to 1,000 days on MFP and have logged every day of it. Good luck to everybody!
  • Havanaohlala
    Havanaohlala Posts: 52 Member
    Just bumping this in case a fitness nerd didnt see it.:D
  • johnnifast
    johnnifast Posts: 23 Member
    Add if you'd like. Started on 12/11/17 with a goal of 90 days. So far so good. Program was designed by my online fitness competition coach. :smile:
  • ZyzzNation9
    ZyzzNation9 Posts: 9 Member
    Come at me brah!! Lol B)B)
  • Havanaohlala
    Havanaohlala Posts: 52 Member