salt crave? 20 days after I started losing track!

Guys for two days I've been craving for SALT. yes salt. I don't know why. It all started monday afternoon. I felt so hungry and listless. I took the same amount of calorie I normally do but I was craving so I ordered veggie delight subway sandwiches. This morning I had a decent breakfast but at lunch and dinner for the first time I didnt even count anything I just went to kitchen ate anything salty till I felt super full. As I write this I just checked my diary and I realised I haven't been even doing good all this time. Most of the days are red. I took 1230-1650 and even 2230 calories last 20 days. If today was one time thing I wouldn't bother writing this down. But I've been trying so hard to cook and prepare my meals, counting them and realizing that I was doing it wrong. In a week I was only in a deficit of 500 calories? I know I should take things slow. But I think Im on the wrong track. The thing is I even stopped working out because I was busy counting calories and preparing meals and stuff. Good thing I started walking a lot. But still. I feel like losing shape. Also I lost 1,7 kg so far but today on scale I was 900 gr heavier. It is probably ... water weight... or I dont know it drives me crazy since I lose bit by bit. 900 grams would be a huge change for me. sigh. I'm really lost at the moment. I thought I was doing great for the last twenty days.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Look on the bright side -- you're developing the habit of logging and preparing your own food. That's a good thing. Now you just have to focus on keeping those habits while consistently hitting your calorie goal.

    If you want some salt, have some salt (assuming you don't have a medical reason to limit it). Just focus on finding salty foods that fit within your calorie goals.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Do you ever pre-log your day and include snacks? I don’t really try to squash my cravings, if I want chips I have chips but usually stick to buying only small individual serving size bags. I could pre-log a bag of popcorn for tonight so I know what my calories will look like for dinner. I feel like it’s harder for me to go over if I pre-log since I almost always have food on the horizon that way.
  • merveozyalin
    merveozyalin Posts: 46 Member
    thecharon wrote: »
    Google "why am I craving salt". Could you be low in a mineral such as calcium which could cause this craving? .... just in case. Click on reports and see if you are getting the 100% daily RDA. Often when dieting, women omit dairy/cheese.

    Actually I drink milk and eat cheese a lot. But I just clicked the link and it might be dehydration. I try to drink as much as I can but it might not be enough.
  • merveozyalin
    merveozyalin Posts: 46 Member
    Do you ever pre-log your day and include snacks? I don’t really try to squash my cravings, if I want chips I have chips but usually stick to buying only small individual serving size bags. I could pre-log a bag of popcorn for tonight so I know what my calories will look like for dinner. I feel like it’s harder for me to go over if I pre-log since I almost always have food on the horizon that way.

    Yeah I pre-log most of time but like my cheats happen after dinner.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Maybe thin out the calories in the beginning of the day so you can have after dinner snacks instead? I try to stockpile mine towards night because I can’t go to bed hungry. If a snack needs to happen, it needs to happen so I like to have a bulk of calories at that point to keep me full. Beginning of the day is less important for me.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    thecharon wrote: »
    Google "why am I craving salt". Could you be low in a mineral such as calcium which could cause this craving? .... just in case. Click on reports and see if you are getting the 100% daily RDA. Often when dieting, women omit dairy/cheese.

    " Many minerals have a salty flavor, so when you get the message to eat more salt, your body is trying to tell you to eat more minerals! " The idea that craving = deficiency has been debunked a million times over.

    Why are you craving salt? Because it tastes good. Why are you eating above what you thought? Because it tastes good. Create a small deficit (1 lb/week loss) and do your best to stick to those calories.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    leggup wrote: »
    thecharon wrote: »
    Google "why am I craving salt". Could you be low in a mineral such as calcium which could cause this craving? .... just in case. Click on reports and see if you are getting the 100% daily RDA. Often when dieting, women omit dairy/cheese.

    " Many minerals have a salty flavor, so when you get the message to eat more salt, your body is trying to tell you to eat more minerals! " The idea that craving = deficiency has been debunked a million times over.

    Why are you craving salt? Because it tastes good. Why are you eating above what you thought? Because it tastes good. Create a small deficit (1 lb/week loss) and do your best to stick to those calories.

    This. There is no reliable supporting evidence linking food cravings to specific deficiencies, despite what the charts in fitness magazines and on Pinterest will suggest.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    When I go through salt cravings, I like eatung those little packets of Limon or put Tajin on everything, for a couple days, lol. For me, it's usually a sign that I'm a bit dehydrated
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    When I crave salt, I grab a few salted cashews or salt up a bunch of popcorn. Why not?