How Many Calories is good to burn off each day??

EmmaJLBoorman Posts: 18 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I go to the gym & like to set myself a goal while im there just makes it abit more fun for me... I want to make sure im doing enough exercise for my body.. Im not a person who sweats alot i do get outta breath because im overweight and unfit but still wanted to no is there a good amount to do or a goal i should be working towards to be able to burn??

I started off on 200 cals every gym visit and now im doing 250-350 is this enough or should i be doing more? I dont want to pay all this money to the gym and not be staying long enough.

What does everyone else try to aim for??


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    When I do my spin classes at the gym I had been up in the range of burning off 1000-1200 cals, but if I just got to workout is usually in the 500-600 range. I just think any workout I do is good for my body and I burn off as much as I can with the time I have
  • that is a good question! I hope someone knows the answer...
  • When I do my spin classes at the gym I had been up in the range of burning off 1000-1200 cals, but if I just got to workout is usually in the 500-600 range. I just think any workout I do is good for my body and I burn off as much as I can with the time I have

    do you wear a HRM? how do you know what calories you are burning?
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    i like to burn off 500 calories a day at least.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    When I was in weight loss mode, I burn around 600-800 per day 6 days a week. Now that I am in maintenance I burn about 300-400 and only about 4 days a week. Just change your workout around and see what it takes for you to lose! Good luck!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I aim for at least 500 a day but a couple of days a week I do at least 1000.
  • It's not about how many calories you burn, it about how mauch fat is burned. It takes 20 min of cardiovascular exercise to start burning fat so 30 min of exercise a day is good to maintain your weight and 60 min of a cardio is great to lose weight. strength exercises are also very important because it builds muscle which will enable you to burn more calories and fat in the long run. My mother once told me that a mile a day is healthy and 3 miles is best if i want to get skinny. However, i tried doing 3 miles on a tredmill and let me tell you,BAD IDEA! My knees and hip were hurting for about a week. DO NOT run on a tredmill, its very harsh on you legs. Running around your neighborhood or park is alot easier on your body. I hope this helps somewhat =)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    When I do my spin classes at the gym I had been up in the range of burning off 1000-1200 cals, but if I just got to workout is usually in the 500-600 range. I just think any workout I do is good for my body and I burn off as much as I can with the time I have

    do you wear a HRM? how do you know what calories you are burning?

    Yeah I have a HRM, a Polar Ft7, last Friday night I did 30 min workout before spin and hit around 1400 that day burned
  • When I do my spin classes at the gym I had been up in the range of burning off 1000-1200 cals, but if I just got to workout is usually in the 500-600 range. I just think any workout I do is good for my body and I burn off as much as I can with the time I have

    do you wear a HRM? how do you know what calories you are burning?

    Yeah I have a HRM, a Polar Ft7, last Friday night I did 30 min workout before spin and hit around 1400 that day burned

    I gotta get one!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    When I do my spin classes at the gym I had been up in the range of burning off 1000-1200 cals, but if I just got to workout is usually in the 500-600 range. I just think any workout I do is good for my body and I burn off as much as I can with the time I have

    do you wear a HRM? how do you know what calories you are burning?

    Yeah I have a HRM, a Polar Ft7, last Friday night I did 30 min workout before spin and hit around 1400 that day burned

    I gotta get one!!

    They are great, I was actually not giving myself enough credit for the exercises I was doing, i was logging like 500-600 cals maybe for my spin classes when I was really burning 900-1000, and on the machines, my HRM shows a huge difference when I am running so I am glad I am getting what I believe a more accurate picture of my workout so I plan my calories accordingly
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    There really is no right answer here.
    It depends on a lot of things.

    Time available to exercise
    Current fitness level
    Fitness level you want to work towards
    Eating habits
    Injuries (or lack there of)
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