Arghh!!!! Starting over

Hi everyone,
A couple of years ago I followed a strict 1200 calorie diet and the weight fell off me. I lost 13kg in about 4 months. I felt amazing!! Well I've gained all of those kg back again. I had given up alcohol and I'm now drinking again approx 4-5 times a week. I really need to start thinking anout my health again. I know how to do it, it's just getting that motivation back. I just wanted to put a post up to make me accountable! TODAY IS THE DAY I START AGAIN!!


  • hateapples
    hateapples Posts: 28 Member
    Well done. I’m also starting again after losing a couple of years ago. We can do it :)
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    It hear ya. It turns out losing is actually the easy part (well, I guess the easiest part is gaining lol). The trick is maintaining.

    You're right that you clearly know how to lose. Have you given an thought to what you want to do this time around to keep it off?

    I ask both because you need to think about it and because right now I'm working on maintaining and I find it harder than losing so it's on my mind a lot.
  • FitNic1978
    FitNic1978 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes maintenance is the hardest. I actually loved losing weight!!! I need to come up with a plan for maintenance stage. I am a compulsive weigher but I feel that keeps me on track as well as makes me upset with fluctations lol!! Strong, I just need to be strong!!!!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Perhaps try not restricting so much and losing so fast this time. Then the switch to maintenance won't be such a struggle. Figure out a way you can eat for the rest of your life at the correct calorie level to hang onto that healthy weight range. Good luck!
  • FitNic1978
    FitNic1978 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks I'll do that. It's not a race I need to think of it as a lifestyle change not just losing weight quickly.
  • andreaxnatalia
    andreaxnatalia Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome! Get your life back! Take control