Help with grocery list

Hey all! So, for the past 2 months I've been trying to lose weight by walking 4 miles every day and simplifying my diet. A friend mentioned to try a high protein, low carb approach, so I've been eating nothing but light mixed salads (croutons/vinaigrette) and marinated/broiled chicken breasts. Everyday. Salad or chicken. Literally just either one or the other. I stuck with this until now mostly because I know it works and will fill me up enough to satisfy, plus makes it almost impossible to overshoot my goal of 1700 calories a day, and also because it's easy to measure portions and count cal that way. But, I'm starting to think I would benefit from some variety, SO:

If you have a second, maybe you could let me know if you think I should stick with what I'm doing or, if not, hook me up with a few ideas on a couple simple dishes that I can eat every day that will keep me close to or under my deficit. That would be awesome. Cheers.

Happy Christmas


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think variety is essential if you want to manage your weight. If you get bored, you'll just overeat, in order to get some satisfaction.

    I think you have to redefine "simple" - it doesn't have to mean "restrictive", it can mean "not elaborate". The least elaborate way to eat, and at the same time most varied, is to free oneself from recipes, and instead build up meals from components. This will also be most flexible, so that you can take advantage of things on sale, eat out, etc.

    Think food groups - foods that are pretty equal nutritionally and interchangeable when you cook: Fruit, vegetables, grains and other starches, dairy, meat, fish and eggs, beans and pulses, fats and oils. For every meal, pick some food from several groups and compose meals that look normal and taste delicious. Exactly how that is going to be, is up to you to decide - you can eat what you like, what you are used to, you have to buy what you can afford, what is available in your area.

    You have your food diary to ensure that you're eating balanced. But it's just a stupid computer program. Only you can know if you're eating well. Your body and mind will tell you, if you listen. Do you feel energized and happy? Is your diet and exercise routine easy to stick to? If so, you're on the right track.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    A diet "working" is one that is sustainable, that doesn't bore you, that doesn't make you feel like you're restricted, that doesn't lead to you binging on foods you're craving....

    Basic salad and chicken every day doesn't sound like it fits any of those things. You don't need a restrictive diet to succeed - you need to eat food you enjoy, that makes you feel good physically and mentally, in amounts that fit your calorie goal. "strict but not restricted" is my motto.

    I love volume, so eat lots of vegies, and I get lots of my carbs from vegies and fruit, but I also eat other carb sources (especially dessert everyday!) and plenty of protein and fats.

    I love substantial salads (loads of vegies, eggs/cheese/meat/fish, beans, grains, nuts seeds etc), omelettes and frittatas, yoghurt and fruit with granola/nuts, protein pancakes, roast dinners, bolognaise with pasta or zoodles, soup, stir fry, etc. Your options are literally limitless. You can fit in pizza, burgers, sweets/choc/snacks etc - just make them fit in to your calorie intake
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would be so sick of salad and chicken by now...

    you can eat whatever you like as long as it fits your calorie goal.
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    edited December 2017
    Grizzlyfeet grocery list:
    • At least 3 of the following from 3 different critters; lean pork like chops, loin, or tenderloin; salmon filets, shrimp, lean beef steak, chicken thighs.
    • At least 2 different kinds of citrus fruit.
    • At least 3 other kinds of fruit.
    • At least 5 vegetables that are at least 3 different colors and grow above ground and are not iceberg lettuce.
    • At least 3 vegetables that are least 3 different colors and grow below ground and are not potatoes.
    • At least 2 different items from: whole grain bread, steel cut oats, brown rice.
    • At least two dairy items that aren't cheese and aren't non-fat.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    For me I cook 2-3 meals each week and eat leftovers the other days or a simple sandwich or frozen meal if I want something different. If you are getting tired of your salad and chicken combo then check out recipes on Pinterest for ideas. With my schedule I like crockpot meals: roast with carrots, onions and potatoes, salsa chicken for tacos, buffalo sauce chicken for sandwiches, baked potatoes in the crockpot and add toppings, or simply *kitten* lean beef on the stovetop and add taco seasoning for tacos. At the store I always pick up lettuce, carrots, apples, bananas, eggs, and individual cheeses and popcorn.
  • Grizzlyfeet
    Grizzlyfeet Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all so much for the help. Some really killer suggestions.