Morning Workouts



  • Kfrase83
    Kfrase83 Posts: 42 Member
    Another self-confessed night owl here, and a big fan of sleeping in. It helped me to think that if I wake up at 6 and do my workout at home, I will only be losing out on those 20 minutes of sleep. That thought has made all the difference and it gives an accomplishment for the entire day!
  • duskyjewel
    duskyjewel Posts: 286 Member
    Now that I have a regular M-F 8-5 job (I used to work three 12 hour night shifts) I've found that unless I get up at 5:00 with my much more motivated and responsible husband, I usually will not exercise. There is a stairwell at work that I will walk up and down for 20 minutes of my lunch hour sometimes, but most of the time that morning walk or weights is all I get in.
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    This is the second week and I’ve done it so far !
  • Aishap1913
    Aishap1913 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I really enjoy working out in the am. Although it has been challenging waking up in the morning, my overall health has really improved.
  • 90kgToNewMe
    90kgToNewMe Posts: 52 Member
    Like others that have responded to your post, if i dont work put in the Morning it doesn’t happen. Love my morning workouts now as it feels good knowing exercise is done for the day
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    I have all of the workout gear that I need at home - - lifting and cardio - - and I workout at all hours - - morning, noon and/or night.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm about to hit year 5 of getting up early to habit I ever got in to. If I didn't do it then, it just wouldn't happen.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    YES!, out the door for 4 for my first hour workout!