Should I watch sugar intake when I eat lots of carbs.

jbvpn Posts: 17 Member
My diet is already high in fibre and protein - being mainly from lots of good carbs, beans, pulses and lots of veg. Mainly chicken is the choice of meat or salmon. Don't eat a high carb diet for any reason as such - just the way it has worked out on the types of food I like.

One downside noticeable from this is a craving for something sweet and more carbs but this I can handle.

I don't eat that much fruit at all - or sugar - perhaps one orange a week maybe two.

Is it worth introducing fruit into my diet more frequently for the nutrients and minerals?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Only if you have a medical reason to watch it. I don’t even track sugar anymore.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    @jbvpn Is your question about sugar, or really about fruit?

    Yes fruit is good for you, and should be included in a well balanced diet.

    If you're diabetic you'd need to watch carbs and sugar, otherwise just count calories. A calorie deficit leads to weight loss, while a calorie surplus leads to weight gain.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Sure, add some fruit in if you want.. don't overthink it. I don't like fruit that much. I prefer to eat more veggies. But I also eat my fair share of sweets
  • kristingjertsen
    kristingjertsen Posts: 239 Member
    I try to avoid added sugar in food (spaghetti sauce, cereal, etc.) and limit my fruit to 2 servings per day (usually mixed with cashewgurt or eaten with a small serving of nuts or sugar free peanut butter). Eat more fruit and see what your body tells you. When I really crave something sweet, I eat 2 dates.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    The recommendations for watching sugar intake are for ADDED sugars, not intrinsic sugars like those found in dairy, fruits, and vegetables.

    If all of your sugar intake consists of those forms of sugar? Don't sweat it unless you have a medical reason to do so.

    People have misunderstood the guidelines on this to the point that they are now demonizing intrinsic sugars unnecessarily, and that's unfortunate.