Carrying weight lost

fatboyphoto Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2017 in Motivation and Support
I’m feeling pretty neurotic and self conscious at the moment. Last couple of years really caught up with me and I am the fast I have ever been in my life.

Anyway I started seriously tracking food and being mindful of a balanced callorie limited diet and have lost almost 20 pounds this month. I now weigh just under what I weighed a year ago today.

Anyway my wife is super supportive and has been commenting on the difference she can see. I of course being the self loathing one thought she was just being nice as I didn’t think I looked any different.

Well she gave me an early Christmas present of a weight vest for training in. It comes with 20 pounds of weight which is pretty close to what I have lost so I put it on.

Needless to say I was shocked at how I looked with this under a vest and how I felt. I couldn’t believe how heavy the freaking thing was and how round it made me look.

Anyway wife pulled out some fairly recent photos and I looked about the same with this huge bulky exercise vest under a shirt as I did normally before.

So lesson learned here. Take the non-scale victories. Thank goodness my wife had that idea I’m feeling super motivated again.