naturally skinny !

I know a couple of men and women who somehow manage to eat WHATEVER they want ( I am talking junk food and sweets EVERYDAY) and still manage to remain skinny without having to think about calories ! I am so jealous and curious to what their secret it ! what do you think ?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know a couple of men and women who somehow manage to eat WHATEVER they want ( I am talking junk food and sweets EVERYDAY) and still manage to remain skinny without having to think about calories ! I am so jealous and curious to what their secret it ! what do you think ?

    There's no secret...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited December 2017
    I know a couple of men and women who somehow manage to eat WHATEVER they want ( I am talking junk food and sweets EVERYDAY) and still manage to remain skinny without having to think about calories ! I am so jealous and curious to what their secret it ! what do you think ?

    The secret most often is that they simply don't want to overeat. Not thinking about calories does not necessarily mean eating too many calories. Some people just naturally stop eating before they overeat.

    For a small percentage they may have gut problems that prevent them absorbing all the calories they eat. This is not something to envy. If you are not absorbing calories you likely are also not absorbing nutrients.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    C&Ping myself from another thread:
    jemhh wrote: »
    I was this friend when I was in high school and into college, or at least that was what my friends would say. But they didn't see me 24/7 as mentioned above. Or they didn't understand calories. I would have a can of Coke and a Snickers for lunch several days a week, which to them would be seen as stuffing my face even though that's just around 400 calories total. Or they'd see me eat gigantic servings at Sunday brunch (my college had an awesome Sunday brunch included in the meal plan) and not factor in that most days of the week I ate much less at meals. Plus I had a job giving walking tours throughout the week. And I was a big fidgeter.

    In other words, you don't know as much about their energy balance as you think you do.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    edited December 2017
    I know a couple of men and women who somehow manage to eat WHATEVER they want ( I am talking junk food and sweets EVERYDAY) and still manage to remain skinny without having to think about calories ! I am so jealous and curious to what their secret it ! what do you think ?

    Most likely 1. genetics, 2. activity and or a combination of both...

  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 220 Member
    I have a light frame / skeleton (which is a possibility but still only within certain limits) and used to think I was naturally skinny as I was never muscular in my youth, ie. before I started lifting weights. When I started paying attention to the facts of my metabolism and my nutrition I realized that a) I had been eating less than I realized b) my metabolism is only 'faster' than anyone else's by a small number within established norms for variation, on the order of 300 calories per day.
  • ZombieSalmon
    ZombieSalmon Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the above post and would like to help with some perspective.

    I look at my slower metabolism as a bonus. If I was stranded in a survival situation, I would require let calories to maintain a healthy weight than my higher metabolic rate co-survivers
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    This is my husband to all of his friends, I mean he can eat an entire pizza and then ice cream and drink all night. But he never eats breakfast, normally just has an apple for lunch and is pretty active and when hes not with friends he doesn't drink alot, and eats pretty much a vegetarian diet. People tell him hes naturally skinny all of the time but its simply not true, he doesn't have to focus on calories but hes eating at maintenance. For fun once I tracked his intake for a few days, Obviously not weighing and measuring but it came out to around 2500 calories, which is also his estimated TDEE according to online calculators.

    He hasnt put on any excess weight in the past five years hes still in the same 5 lb range as when we met.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    This is my husband to all of his friends, I mean he can eat an entire pizza and then ice cream and drink all night. But he never eats breakfast, normally just has an apple for lunch and is pretty active and when hes not with friends he doesn't drink alot, and eats pretty much a vegetarian diet. People tell him hes naturally skinny all of the time but its simply not true, he doesn't have to focus on calories but hes eating at maintenance. For fun once I tracked his intake for a few days, Obviously not weighing and measuring but it came out to around 2500 calories, which is also his estimated TDEE according to online calculators.

    He hasnt put on any excess weight in the past five years hes still in the same 5 lb range as when we met.

    My husband is like this too - if all you saw him eat was dinner you'd wonder why he didn't weigh a lot more. But he doesn't eat breakfast, rarely has more than peanut butter for lunch and then eats a huge dinner and dessert. I make his dinner pretty calorie dense since we are trying to keep weight on him.

    He also drives me nuts because he can sit with a half gallon of ice cream, eat just a bit and put it away. If I tried that the whole thing would be gone before I knew it. :(
  • StarBrightStarBright
    My husband is "naturally skinny" and so is most of his family. And I'm with him a lot so I know how much he eats. I think the biggest thing is that he is tall and that he had a good metabolism in his 20s so he never gained in the first place. His whole family is the same way. They all start watching their food intake around their 40s to maintain their slim figures.

    He spent his 20s weightlifting and trying to put on weight. Now that he is in his late 30s he still eats a fair amount (but less than his 20s) and he is at nice, slim, dad-bod weight.

    His menu for today is thus:
    Breakfast:Huge bowl of oatmeal (about 3 servings) with a quarter cup of walnuts, cup of chopped strawberries and heavy cream
    Snack: half a bag of tortilla chips and half container of salsa (he usually goes through two of each a week)
    Lunch: zoodles with pesto and chicken breast (I will make this for the both of us and he will eat 3/4 and I will have 1/4) - I will add about half cup of mozzarella cheese to his
    Snack: a bag of gummy bears or a couple of cookies
    Dinner: Large salad w/ caesar dressing, bowl of sweet potato soup, and a bbq sandwich and slaw.

    I have just come to accept that I will always have to eat MUCH less than him. The overlap in our meals will occur at lunch and dinner and my lunch will not have cheese added. At dinner my salad will be lightly dressed with mostly vinegar, I'll eat a bowl of soup and have a tiny portion of breadless bbq.

    We are both at healthy weights but need to maintain them VERY differently (also sorry this is long - but I felt like I had legit life experience to share here :) )