JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 26



  • enlightenme2
    enlightenme2 Posts: 97 Member
    How tall are you? You don't weigh much at all?

    kilograms.. even at 6ft my bmi is 29 :s
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,938 Member
    I think I just posted Round 27. I’m worried about @cyranda63 as I have not seen a post from her since Christmas. My apologies if I should not have done this.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 9 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4

    12/19 147 Finally feeling somewhat better. Too many things to do to get ready to leave on Christmas trip tomorrow.
    12/20 146.5 Now my husband is sick. I knew he wasn’t feeling well when I came home and packing hadn’t begun!
    12/21 147 but it was the middle of the night. Couldn’t find a comfortable place to sleep. We were supposed to be on the road to OK but are still both sick. UGH!!!
    12/22 146.5 Both sick and I know I’m not eating enough. Don’t care.
    12/23 144.5 I had been way below calories and macros earlier this week but made myself eat anyway. I also started using a different app which gave me MORE calories! Hope this isn’t a fluke.
    **The last time I was this weight was between 11/15/11 and 11/22/11!
    12/24 145.5 I’m okay with this. After being sick for a week I ate twice yesterday and SALT tasted so good! Hopefully we’re on the road to recovery and will be able to make our Christmas trip in a couple of days. And just that quickly I feel like crap again.
    12/25 143.5 MERRY CHRISTMAS! Still not feeling up to par but surviving.
    12/26 144.0 We had steak for Christmas dinner!
    12/27 144.0
    12/28 146.0 Hmmm

    Maybe it's all the protein.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,938 Member
    I think it may be salt - I ate a BUNCH of Kalamata olives with my Greek salad! My olives and my daughter’s! Not worried though, I’m still down after the last 10 days.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    edited December 2017
    MFP SW 242
    R1 SW 225.2______________R14 SW 193
    R2 SW 221________________R15 SW 190.6
    R3 SW 217.4______________ R16 SW 189.6
    R4 SW 215________________R17 SW 188.2
    R5 SW 212________________R18 SW 188.2
    R7 SW 208.4______________ R19 SW 188
    R8 SW 204.4 ______________R20 SW 186.8
    R9 SW 203________________R21 SW 186
    R10 SW 203_______________R22 SW 183.4
    R11 SW 200.2_____________R23 SW 183.4
    R12 SW 196.8_____________R24 SW 182.4
    R13 SW 194_______________R25 SW 180.8

    R26 SW 180.6

    12/19 - 181
    12/20 - 180.2
    12/21 - 181
    12/22 - 181
    12/23 - 181
    12/24 - 182
    12/25 - 182 Merry Christmas
    12/26 - 184
    12/27 - 184
    12/28 - 183.6

    Bah humbug.. :smiley:

    Thanks Jaine for posting the next round. I've been here but this time of the year weighs heavy on me in more ways than one obviously! See you all next round :smiley:
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Starting Weight: April 2017: 242
    Starting Weight: R23: 215.5......Ending Weight: ? Vacation

    Starting Weight: R24: ? Vacation.......Ending Weight: R24: 215.4
    Starting Weight: R25: 216.7......... Ending Weight: R25: 214.7 GW R25: 212
    Starting Weight: R26: 214.7
    Goal Round 26: 212


    12/19: 214.7
    Off to another round! I might not have made my goal last round, but I plan on reaching it this round for sure!

    12/20: 216.1

    12/21: 215.7

    12/22: 213.1
    I need to battle the rest of this round! One more dinner party before Christmas! I'm not cooking that much for Christmas; I may make a mock potato salad with cauliflower since no one eats it but me! I may cook some candied sweet potatoes because my son loves them, but other than that, no sweets for me!

    12/23: 212.6
    Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go right now! Off to the last (hopefully) Christmas dinner!

    12/24: 212.6
    Didn't do so bad. Resisted the rice, mac & cheese, bread, fried chicken, and dessert! Ate baked chicken, collard greens, fresh sliced tomatoes, and onions! Drank water!

    12/25: 213.7 Thank God for allowing us to celebrate another Christmas! I cooked and I ate what I cooked; it was so delicious! I even ate two, yes two, pieces of caramel cake. Tomorrow is a new day, so I will enjoy today, while it is today!

    12/26: 216.7
    I post with a smile! I enjoyed yesterday; now back on track! Hope everyone enjoyed your family and loved ones during Christmas like I did! Thank God, His mercies are new E V E R Y day!!!

    12/27: 218.4
    Holding fluid! Not drinking enough water along with too much salt! Hope it looks better tomorrow. Will start back exercising Jan. 02 (Lord willing). Made some low carb breakfast cookies this morning; they taste really good! So far, I like cooking with almond flour. Got a low carb cheesecake recipe I want to try later!

    12/28: 217.4
    Been meaning to post all day, but I kept getting sidetracked (which is getting easier and easier for me to do)! Well, it's obvious that I didn't make my goal of 212! Every time I get down to 212. ? I start gaining. I wonder if I am unconsciously sabotaging myself? No worries, 212 - I know you're there! You may hide, but eventually, I'll find you! :D:D Oh, yeah!! Look out; I'm coming for you!!!
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    I think it may be salt - I ate a BUNCH of Kalamata olives with my Greek salad! My olives and my daughter’s! Not worried though, I’m still down after the last 10 days.

    How can you eat those things? I tried them once and about yacked. Lol I guess it's one of those things that you have to acquire a certain taste for. :)
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,938 Member
    @nikki062181 LOL I love green olives stuffed with pimentos. My mom always had them in the frig and the Kalamatas taste about the same to me. Black olives are another thing! They smell and taste musty to me so I don’t eat them!
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    SW: 255 (July 2017)
    GW: 180

    Round 20 SW: 234
    Round 21 SW: 231.4
    Round 22 SW: 229
    Round 23 SW: 227.6
    Round 24 SW: 224.2
    Round 25 SW: 222.4
    Round 26 SW: 220.6

    Round 26

    12/19: 220.2
    12/20: 220.4
    12/21: 219.8 --bittersweet day-- finally in the 2 teens (barely) :D , but also finding out that I have to have major surgery done on my neck. :'(
    12/22: 219-- Very happy because I was thinking I would have a small gain-I binged a little on chocolate (sugar to comfort) and have not worked out the last 2 days. >:) Back at it today to keep it going down as much as possible before surgery because I will be a sitting duck then.
    12/23: 219.4 My favorite cousin took me to our favorite seafood spot to help cheer me up---fried food and sodium!
    12/24: 219.8----not going to complain, nor make excuses. 'Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry!!!!! ;)
    12/25: 220
    12/26: 220.8---I ate well during main course, but the desserts WON! <3
    12/27: 221
    12/28: 220.8-- First round I have ended with a gain, but it's OK because tomorrow is a new day!

    Look in the mirror---That's your competition!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    I'm in again!!

    SW: 192.2
    CW: 147.0
    GW this round 145.0

    12/17 - 146.4 at 5:30 a.m.
    12/18 - 147.0 at 5:00 a.m.


    12/19 - 147.8 at 7:00 a.m.
    12/20 - 148.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    12/21 - 148.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    12/22 - 148.4 at 6:30 a.m.
    12/23 - 147.6 at 7:00 a.m.
    12/24 - 146.4 at 6:00 a.m.
    12/25 - 146.4 at 6:30 a.m.
    12/26 - 146.4 at 6:30 a.m.
    12/27 - 147.4 at 7:00 a.m.
    12/28 - 149.0 at 6:30 a.m.

  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    Pregnant & gaining.
    R19 SW 158.9
    R20 SW 156.2
    R21 SW 162
    R22 SW 159.5
    R23 SW 164.9
    R24 SW 162.8
    R25 SW 163
    R26 SW 164.5
    A) vitamins & hydration: 3L
    B) hit 75% protein goal, lose all empty sugar calories
    C) do 5 min of toning and complete daily move/stand ring. Complete exercise ring at least once every 3 days.
    D) Do a conscious activity/act of self-care. Log one session on ‘breathe’

    12/19 took a rest day from exercise, p. Symp. really sore
    12/20 164.5
    12/21 168.2 came pretty close to closing the rings. Need to have more water.
    12/28 traveling, got a virus after Christmas. Proud of myself for having some soup the last two days as “meals” and for trying to hydrate. Baby steps forward!
  • Morrighan_632017
    Morrighan_632017 Posts: 77 Member
    edited December 2017
    Love this challenge! You guys help me keep up the motivation to make the right choices each day (and goodness knows this is the 10 days I'm gonna need it the most).

    Historical Start weight: 252 lb.
    End weight Rnd 24: 225.6
    End weight End 25: 221.6

    Short term weight goal: limit the holiday gain to 0-5 lb gain BUT be realistic and forgiving if it end up being more.

    Short term life goal: have am excellent holiday season :smiley:


    12/19 - 220.2 - NSV - after what feels like weeks of eating sandwiches and previously made meal preps from earlier this month, I finally had time to make dinner after work. Usually it's draining but it's nice to not have to microwave dinner.
    12/20 - 219.6 - NSV - steps in, only gave into the cookie cravings a few time.
    12/21 - 218.8 - let the wooing begin!! Whatever, I haven't seen the 218 on the scale for over 10 years so I'm pretty damn proud at the moment, and you can't bring me down today. Don't worry, it'll go up at Christmas cause I'm going to eat all the turkey and I'll also be petty happy with myself then too.
    12/22 - 219.6 - looks like I'm regulating and this also probably marks the start of the alcohol consumption bump (I do hope the concerned wooing folks are feeling better now ;) ), seems even one drink spikes the scales which is normal for me. Since I'll be having a few for the next few days I'm expecting the rest of this round might be gains, which is fine, it's the holidays and I'll be back to a regular routine again in January.
    12/23 - 220.2 - the alcohol bump continues, to be expected, but I got my steps in so I'm satisfied.
    12/24 - 218.6 - I think something weird happened to my scale cause this doesn't seem accurate, but it's the number that appeared so that's what's here. Didn't get my steps in and ate all the yummy Christmas goodies, but I did drink lots of water and only had one glass of wine. I don't think I went overboard so I'm happy.
    12/25 - ? - home for the holidays without the scale but good money says it's up. Didn't hit any goals and ate all the food but it's Christmas and I'm willing to work a little harder next year in order to enjoy this time with my family. Won't have numbers for the rest of this round, but will still check in for goals.
    12/26 ? - still home without my scale, still eating treats so likely that number is rising. I did however get my liquids in and did two walks today and went over my step goals, plus no alcohol consumption today! Maybe I'll completely miss the alcohol bump by the time I get home.
    12/27 - ? - still home without a scale, still eating treats, likely gaining but no alcohol consumption, but very few steps and snacks after 8. Still on vacation, will be better when I'm back in the city.
    12/28 - ? - I am bothered not to have a number at the end of this round, it's going to have to remain a mystery to myself. What I do know is my current jeans still fit comfortably so I think I'm about the same place composition wise, so I'll take that as positve feedback I haven't completely lost the plot with over indulging this vacation. Back in the city after New Year's so next round will likely be a rude awakening. No regrets, this holiday was great, goals achieved!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited December 2017
    MFP Starting 2012 & 2015: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175.0
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173.0
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5
    Round 21 SW: 167.0
    Round 22 SW: 164.5
    Round 23 SW: 161.5
    Round 24 SW: 161.5
    Round 25 SW: 160.0
    Round 26 SW: 160.0

    12/19: 160
    I'd be higher but I was too nauseated to eat yesterday. I feel fine today (it was a reaction to an antibiotic) but it gives me a chance to reset. I've hard a hard time since Thanksgiving, with holiday gatherings and all. For the rest of the month I just don't want to lose ground and I'd love to see several days under 160.
    12/20: 160.0
    Pleased not to see a bump today. Did pretty well with my day overall.
    12/21: 159.5
    My lowest weight so far, I saw it so briefly back in Round 24. This time I want to keep moving in the right direction! Did well today, resisted all the goodies left in my inbox.
    12/22: 159.0
    I know it's early to claim this, there are still fluctuations to come, but this weight puts me in the "normal" BMI category, and I've been happy about it all day. This is a major goal a long time coming.
    12/23: 159.5
    Totally normal fluctuation, I hope I stay in this neighborhood. Had a good day, no sugar, ate well, good on protein, a little exercise, 2L water.
    12/24: 159.0
    Another good day.
    12/25: 158.5
    I didn't eat to the point of being uncomfortable and I did some walking, but mostly I didn't even try to stick to any rules today. I'm sure I'll go up tomorrow but hopefully it won't take long to regain lost ground. Had a nice holiday, I hope you all did, too.
    12/26: 160.0
    Yup. Back on track today.
    12/27: 158.5
    Great, went right back to my lowest weight... BUT today I got some late holiday goodies given to me and darned if I didn't eat them. Have to do better than that the rest of the week.

    12/28: 158.5
    Ate stupid candy again today. Not even the good stuff.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    I HAVE the power and determination to do this.

    Current Focus: In the normal range for my age height and build, on maintenance.

    Had a bit of a blip last round as I was ill.

    Primary Goal - 160lbs +/- 2lbs.

    Of course, losing a pound a Round would be ace, as I would like a cushion for celebrations.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gif to all the Newbies, and Hi to those returning for another Round. This has given me an element of daily accountability which is motivational.

    Observations, and Previous Rounds
    Many events along the way will scupper our best intentions, but they merely delay the achievement of our goals. Life is for living, and one must learn patience. It takes many years to put on excess weight, so It follows that it takes much time to remove, but it does come off, bit by stubborn bit! If you stick with it! The game continues!

    A lot of people get upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight fluctuates, both up, and down, from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in a gain due to water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    If you are making positive lifestyle changes it will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way!

    Previous 5 Rounds[/colour=green]
    MW : R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6
    Round:..~ Mean ~ Highest ~ Lowest
    13/6: ... ~ 160.4 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 161.8
    14/7: ... ~ 160.7 ~~ 167.8 ~~ 160.4 (on vacation)
    15/8: ... ~ 161.8 ~~ 163.8 ~~ 163.8 (on vacation)
    16/9: ... ~ 161.3 ~~ 162.8 ~~ 162.4
    17/10: . ~ 160.5 ~~ 162.2 ~~ 160.0
    18/11: . ~ 159.8 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 158.4
    19/12: . ~ 159.0 ~~ 159.2 ~~ 158.2
    20/13: . ~ 158.8 ~~ 159.4 ~~ 158.6
    21/14: . ~ 160.3 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 159.5
    22/15: . ~ 161.2 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 160.0
    23/16: . ~ 162.0 ~~ 163.5 ~~ 161.2
    24/17: . ~ 163.3 ~~ 164.0 ~~ 162.5
    25/18: . ~ 163.0 ~~ 163.9 ~~ 161.4

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct: 158.2. Dream goal weight: 155.0

    Round 26: (Round 19 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs) [/b]

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 7,500+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    Get back under 160!!!

    18/12/2017: 162

    19/12/2017: 161.8 Goals ✅ Buckling down for the next 6 days. Gotta make myself a cushion for Christmas Day!
    20/12/2017: 161.7 Goals ✅ Keep on keeping on! It's gotta shift soon. Lol! @40lbslighter Weird is so right! Who can figure them out?
    21/12/2017: no weigh in Goals
    22/12/2017: no,weigh in Goals
    23/12/2017: no weigh in Goals
    24/12/2017: no weigh in Goals
    25/12/2017: no weigh in Goals
    26/12/2017: no weigh in Goals
    27/12/2017: no weigh in Goals ✅ Have been 'under' goal, but eating back exercise calories in Christmas goodies. My body is not impressed. Suffering Major indigestion. Serves me right for eating too much chocolate. A LITTLE of what you fancy does you good! A LOT gives you much discomfort and pain!!! So much for taking a sabbatical!
    28/12/2017: 166.1 Goals :anguished:

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 162.0 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 161.0 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

    :star: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! :star:

  • avasahka
    avasahka Posts: 91 Member
    Hello! This will be my first round ever, and I’m so excited to join in!

    OSW (4/25/17): 320
    R26SW: 265.4

    I’m leaving in the morning for a 2- or 3-day road trip to my home town for the holidays. The next 10 days will be a triple challenge for me, as my weaknesses are travel, holidays, and family. I’m going to rock this!

    12/19 - 264.5
    Yay! Starting strong! I haven’t left for my road trip yet though. Best laid plans, right?? Haha! Oh well, more time to prepare healthy food for the road!

    12/20 - 264.5
    No problem here! I drove for 5 hours yesterday and while I didn’t completely follow my food plans for the day, I did take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around. I was also really diligent about hydrating and not mindlessly snacking. Now to keep it up for the longer haul today!

    12/21 - 263.0
    Happy surprise loss! Yesterday’s drive was about 12 hours. I had a hard time staying within my calories, but I allowed myself to go over a bit because I felt legitimately hungry and decided to listen to my body. I also prioritized water and tons of breaks for walking around. I have 5-6 more hours of driving today, depending on mountain road conditions. Can’t wait to get there tonight and see my family!

    12/22 - 263.0
    Made it home! I’m about to go meet my brother for breakfast, and I’m going to do everything I can to stay on track!

    12/23 - 263.0
    Went a bit off course yesterday, but I’m happy it didn’t seem to affect my weigh-in today. And I’ve made up for it today by sticking to the plan while relaxing!

    12/24 - 262.2
    Yay! Spent the day hiking with family, so I’m feeling like I’ve earned a slice of Christmas Eve pie!

    12/25 - 262.2
    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    12/26 - 262.2
    I’m kind of surprised I didn’t gain, since I ate more than planned yesterday. I’ll take it!

    12/27 - 263.5
    Well, poop. I suspected this was coming though. Back on track today!

    12/28 - 263.5
    Feeling a bit frustrated, but determined!
  • reede708
    reede708 Posts: 105 Member
    Round 22 SW: 140lb
    Round 23 SW: 140.3lb
    Round 24 SW: 140.2lb
    Round 25 SW: 136.9lb
    Round 26 SW: 137.4lb

    12/19 - 137.4lb
    12/20 - 138.8lb
    12/21 - 138.9lb
    12/22 - 138.4lb
    12/23 - 139lb
    12/24 - 138.3lb
    12/25 - did not weigh
    12/26 - 139.5lb
    12/27 - 140.6lb
    12/28 - 140lb