What is the real truth about maintenance?

I have been on maintenance for a few days now and it has been great, although I haven’t eaten my entire maintenance calories, I’m usually under. I did weigh myself today and I am up .2. I know that’s not a huge deal, but I had that WTF moment. Now I know that as you add more food to your body it is bound to adjust due to water, sodium, glycogen levels and just the fact that you have more food in you. I guess I just want to get reassured about this all. It is interesting how we fixate ourselves to one number on a scale, but truth is that number is seldom the same afterwards. I know I need a range but that might mean dropping a couple more pounds so that 120lbs can be my top. I’m just not sure. What have you learned about maintenance?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have learnt that it's easy to stay in maintenance just by small corrections of course, and that it takes time to learn to trust that it will even out over time. As long as I don't routinely overeat, I won't regain.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm pretty new to maintainance, but I'm not new to losing weight. I've reached goal about 3x in the last 6 years years. But the other times, I went off the rails, didn't watch and put 10-15lbs back on each time.

    What I'm doing differently now: Weighing every day. Recording # in Libra (or any Trending App). It REALLY helps put all the different #'s in prospective. And, I'll be able to see the trend moving up and do something right away, instead of waiting until my pants are tight, getting out the bigger pants and gaining the 10-15lbs over again. I feel the making myself weigh every day thing will stop the "Oh, I ate bad yesterday, so I'll wait a week to weigh". I did that last time and week turned into 6 months.

    I went a bit farther south than my maintainance range. Since hitting goal (148) at the end of September, I've slowly lost about 7 more pounds. Orginally I wanted my range to be 147-152 (I'm 5'11, female). But after losing this time, I realized my stomach shrank quite a bit, which means I get full much quicker. So, no matter WHAT I eat, I eat less. Now, I realize that may change over time and I'll have to figure out how to balance things out. I haven't determined a new range, but I do know that I'm probably a bit too thin now. I'll re-evaluate after the holidays.

    Because, after all, this isn't short term. It's the rest of my life.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    A weight trend app is invaluable toward helping you look at the scale data more objectively. My goal weight is 120lbs with a 3lb buffer on either side - so 117-123 is my range. It fluxes All. The. Time. Case and point - screenshot below of 3 month trend:
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have learned that going into maintenance from a deficit can add 4lbs almost overnight. It's just water from sodium and glycogen, plus the food baby from eating a bit more. As long as it levels off and my clothes fit right, it's all good.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,634 Member
    I'm not officially in maintenance, since I do want to lose 8 more lbs, but when I hit 48lbs loss, I needed a break so I've been maintaining that for several months till I'm ready to lose the rest. It's been easy for me. I haven't slipped back into my old way of eating nor want to & eating 1600 cal/day is very satisfying for me. I still log & weigh all my food.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You have to realise even in maintenance our weight fluctuates up and down each day naturally and for various reasons. Having a weight range of say +/-5lbs helps.

    If you keep eating under your maintenance cals you will keep losing weight.

    Congrats on reaching maintenance, now its time to enjoy those extra calories :smile:
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    What I'm doing differently now: Weighing every day. Recording # in Libra (or any Trending App). It REALLY helps put all the different #'s in prospective. And, I'll be able to see the trend moving up and do something right away, instead of waiting until my pants are tight, getting out the bigger pants and gaining the 10-15lbs over again. I feel the making myself weigh every day thing will stop the "Oh, I ate bad yesterday, so I'll wait a week to weigh". I did that last time and week turned into 6 months.

    this! a good early warning if things are trending in the wrong direction.