I am 166 at 5'5" 24 years old



  • batorkin
    batorkin Posts: 281 Member
    edited December 2017
    kaillasue wrote: »
    Any advice for staying away from cravings? I love pizza and love red wine ( part of my problem). How do you stay motivated to stay away.

    I had to keep my addictions out of the house entirely. You can have them every now and then in smaller servings, but if they are in the house you will likely binge on them soon or later.
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    Put your stats in MFP and follow it for a .5 lb. weight loss per week. 15 lbs. in 5 weeks is too agressive--that is for someone who is over 300 lbs. All sorts of problems can arise from trying to lose weight too fast when you are not that overweight, one of them being that you can't keep it off.

    It has taken me months to really understand this by reading lots of testimonies and information on MFP. In my (20s, 30s) I was not overweight but would do these crash diets (whatever the fad was--I wasn't counting calories) in order to lose 5-15 lbs. vanity weight. I realize now that either I was limiting myself to a very low calorie diet, or the diet itself was. I would lose weight pretty fast. However, I would go back to eating normally afterwards and it would come back and then some. I also was very active--ran 4 miles a day, plus swam, ice skating, ballet classes, etc. When I couldn't do that I gained weight but I didn't think to cut back on what I was eating--I had no stats and just not enough information about CICO to know. Back in the day I even knew someone who would purposely lose weight fast with the rationale that she would be thin for a few months but would inevitably gain it back. I was just more ignorant and believed it was going to work.

    Limiting diets are fine as long as you don't go back to old habits when you are done. Sadly, most people that do those type of diets tend to. The most important thing to do is weight yourself weekly for the rest of your life and try to stay within 5-10 pounds of your goal. When you see yourself get out of that range, you act immediately before it gets out of hand.

    If I stop weighing myself regularly, it tends to fall apart. It's so easy to put on 30 pounds and not even notice.