Cardio All at once or break it up?

So I have 2 workout programs that I do. One is an incline program and one is a 5k training for beginners. I am wondering what would be the best to do, do them back to back and be done with my workouts for the day or do on in the am and then one later? I will be adding in weights 3 times a week next week as well. So what is going to be best for me? My incline trainer and weights and everything are here at my house with me so I don't have to go anywhere to get to them just downstairs!


  • AmberCarr
    AmberCarr Posts: 21 Member
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    If you wanted to stick to the training programs you're currently doing, I would say lift then alternate the cardio after that.
  • JamesDanek
    JamesDanek Posts: 95 Member
    The good news is that there is no right answer.

    Do what you suits you best. Try it one way, If it doesn't work try the other.

    Nice and simple
  • AmberCarr
    AmberCarr Posts: 21 Member
    That is true I guess!
    I think I heard that the longer you are at cardio then it is burning fat but on the other hand if I break it up then I boost my metabolism later in the day as well.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    It doesn't make much difference, but there might be a slight edge to splitting them up, if you do the easier one in the morning and the harder one later in the day.

    But do pay attention to doing too much - two cardio AND a resistance workout on the same day is going to be worse for you than just doing one workout (either cardio OR weights) per day.
  • AmberCarr
    AmberCarr Posts: 21 Member
    My cardio workouts are only 30-45 mins and 6 of those are warm up/cool down. The incline training is very slow, never over 2.5 The 5k training is at about 4.3 and it isn't killing me yet!
    My weights are small since I am totally unfit! 10# curls, chest press, butterfly, pull overs, shoulder raises, 3 sets 12 reps each that's all for now until I can get some of this fat off!