Determined to eat better, move more!

So by making these conscious changes I’m hoping for a healthier and slimmer me! For the record, I’m nearly 42, female, 5ft 2, weigh 12 stone...

The changes I need to make:
I need to think what I’m eating before I eat! I love vegetables, lean meat, eggs etc, but I seem to make really bad choices, when I’d actually enjoy a healthy meal as much.

I’m lazy


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited December 2017
    I'm lazy too, and I make it work for me. Make it easier to make good decisions and harder to make bad decisions, and don't worry about an occasional bad decision, it's often the worry that's to blame for consistent bad decisions. A healthy diet has room for an occasional treat.
  • Thank you for your reply kommodevaran. I had typed more about myself..I used to run, but got out of the routine and how I will start again, walking if I have to. Not sure why it cut off just as I said I’m lazy...maybe that’s someone telling me not to make excuses as it is just laziness!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    The forums can't handle certain emojis very well, but it could be that laziness isn't accepted, too :D

    I have never been much of a runner, but I like to dance like a crazy person, sometimes. I think walking will be a good way to get back into running. Maybe you could take part in a challenge, there's a forum for everything in here, for exercise too.
  • Aah, I’ll be more sparing with the emojis then!...and less lazy!

    I’ll have a look in the challenges. Thanks :)