How to resist from eating fast foods?

dennisl31789 Posts: 10 Member
edited December 2017 in Chit-Chat
In current time and everywhere I go, fast food restaurants are really tempting me to eat their foods that I’m not supposed to. I did so well on resistance from eating there and eat healthy last year. However though, I keep let myself go there when they give coupons or make discount sales. McDonald’s = 2 for $5 Big Macs. Burger King = 2 for $6 Whoppers. Rally’s = 2 for $ 5 Big Burfords or others. Church’s Chicken > 2 leg and thigh for $1.79. It got really hard for me to be on diet and stay healthy. I need some suggestions on how to resist them. Anyone?


  • elizarizo
    elizarizo Posts: 489 Member
    Just keep driving
    I’ll be Honest my food i eat is pretty fast, right before i catch it.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Try lower calorie options like snack wraps, plain hamburgers, nuggets. If careful, you can keep a fast food meal at or under 550 calories
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I only eat out one meal a week. I plan for it and log it.
    Choose 1 offer to take advantage of each week if you want fast food. Don't make it a big deal.
  • hunnahs0922
    hunnahs0922 Posts: 165 Member
    Man... you can do this. I know it sounds great, it sounds cheap but in the long run, you already know it’s bad. You admit that yourself. I do t have any “real” advice but you got this! Prepare
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Some things you can work with. For example, the chicken is perfectly healthy food if you get grilled or take the skin off the fried. You can eat one piece and use the others in a salad or wrap later.

    Take someone with you to eat those one of those two for one sandwiches. You will probably have to limit how often you eat them, but they are probably low enough calorie to fit into your goals once a week or so. And there are ways to make them lower calorie and healthier - for example, Five Guys will wrap a burger in lettuce, which saves a lot of calories.

    There are also some fast food options which are inexpensive and not bad at all, such as Wendy's chili.

    Meanwhile, food prep - cook easy but healthier inexpensive foods for yourself in bulk so you always have something easy to eat. A big pot of chili, a pork tenderloin, a whole roasted chicken. You can make your favorite sides such as beans or cole slaw in a batch so you have it ready. If you cook it, you can control what goes into it and make it healthy.
  • dennisl31789
    dennisl31789 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank all of you for responding to my post. Your words are inspiring me to reconsider my choices with foods. Maybe I guess I’ll see if I can purchase smaller like buying one Whopper Jr. I have to make a habit of eating smaller portions.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    In current time and everywhere I go, fast food restaurants are really tempting me to eat their foods that I’m not supposed to. I did so well on resistance from eating there and eat healthy last year. However though, I keep let myself go there when they give coupons or make discount sales. McDonald’s = 2 for $5 Big Macs. Burger King = 2 for $6 Whoppers. Rally’s = 2 for $ 5 Big Burfords or others. Church’s Chicken > 2 leg and thigh for $1.79. It got really hard for me to be on diet and stay healthy. I need some suggestions on how to resist them. Anyone?

    Everywhere I go, there's an increasing number of Fast Food restaurants as well, but I rarely but anything from them.

    Do you live in a structured environment where the traditional three meals per day are prepared? Most of my eating is done at home, with food prepared at home.

    Meanwhile, that Leg and Thigh meal you mention doesn't look unhealthy to me, although it's from a Fast Food place.It is sometimes possible to get something healthy at a place we might consider "unhealthy".
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Caporegiem wrote: »
    My solution was to get myself banned from all of the fast food restaurants for indecent exposure. It's worked so far, hope it becomes as popular as keto one day.

  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Once you get some momentum with logging all your calories every day it gets easier. For me it’s a matter of not wanting to spend nearly all my calories on one giant, unhealthy (and usually not as good as I imagine it will be) fast food meal. If I’m craving a cheeseburger or pizza or whatever, I plan for it and get something really delicious and “worth” all the calories. Good luck!
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    The hard truth is everything with change is all on us as individuals. What does your kitchen look like in the way of foods you eat? When you go grocery shopping do you blame the grocery store for putting bad choices in your basket? I am not trying to be mean I am just being realistic and I know who to hold accountable 100% and that is me.

    I have not been to the gym since Nov. 29th and I have been falling into that same pattern of bad eating and i have gained 5 lbs back. There is no one to blame but me cause I am putting the things into me that has made me gain weight.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Thank all of you for responding to my post. Your words are inspiring me to reconsider my choices with foods. Maybe I guess I’ll see if I can purchase smaller like buying one Whopper Jr. I have to make a habit of eating smaller portions.

    Exactly! This is your first step. Also, learn to weigh, measure, and log your food here accurately. No drastic changes are needed. Just eat less than you do now and once you see and feel changes you can keep improving.

    Also, don't get caught up in those specials and offers. Fast food places ALWAYS have deals and coupons and specials. If you don't use the ones you have, new ones will always be available so get rid of the mindset that you "can't pass up a good deal!". There will always be new deals.