Bowflex max trainer success?

Hey guys just wondering if anyone uses the bowflex max trainer for weightloss?
If so how much weight or inches did you lose and how long did it take? Thanks!
Any pictures would be awesome to see too!


  • kcrw79
    kcrw79 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had an M5 for the better part of two years. I started out at 267 lb using my wife's Gazelle. Eventually, the Gazelle just didn't offer enough resistance. I was down to 215 when I got the MaxTrainer. I tend to use it for longer periods at a constant effort level rather than the HIIT modes. Anyway, its a great low impact workout. I alternated days with one hour on the MaxTrainer and 7 miles running. That got me down to 170. Currently, I alternate 30 minutes at maximum resistance on the MaxTrainer with 4 miles of running. I find the MaxTrainer allows me to recover from the impact of running without losing condition. I actually had to use it exclusively for a few months after sustaining a hip pointer. The 215 to 170 loss took about 5 months at <2000 calories consumed per day.
  • motownk
    motownk Posts: 1 Member
    We got the Max Trainer M7 right after Thanksgiving. I have been on it 4-5 days a week on average doing the 14 minute interval 3 days a week and then a calorie burn or fat burn 15 minute program the other days. I started at 237# and am down to 220# today. I have also cut calories to 1500 per day plus the additional for what ever exercise I do.