Looking to make some real changes, friends with success and accountability.

Hello all! My name is Justin King, and I've been on a weight loss journey for 6 years now. I had a bit of a shock to my system when I turned 20 and had to go to the doctor. At the time I weighed 370# and was not feeling that great. I worked hard, learned to exercise, made some friends at the gym and with their help and the group motivation as well as some dedication to logging my food I managed to get down to around 260# (I’m 6’7”, so that’s not bad) That was two years ago, and I got married and moved out of town. My wife is now a stay at home mom an has a lot on her plate, and as the sole bread winner it's stressful for me as well(I work 60+ hours a week). As any new parent knows it's hard to find time to do anything besides take care of the little one, and I feel guilty taking my precious time away from work and going to the gym or even working out in the basement because I'm leaving my wife to take care of the baby even longer by herself. I've managed to gain weight back since we got married and I moved away from my gym buddies. I’m back up to 320 at this point. I work an active job and despite being very overweight I am able to move very well, but I’m transitioning into an office job and I’m scared I’ll gain even more weight. I’m tired of falling back into bad habits and stress eating and overeating... I think having some accountability partners could be mutually beneficial. Also any advise would be wonderful.


  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    A playpen and swing in the basement?
    I wish you the best in your new job.
    I'm sure someone will post something on calories in - calories out. I'm not very good at explaining things.