MFP and Mike have no shame

MFP will deactivate your account if you don't watch out. And you may not know about it.

This site is only about money. Those nice banner ads at the top. They Make Mike alot of money. So instead of banning users they make it so they can still use the site. Just none of their friends can see them. I only found out about this cause some one told me my account was deactivated.

I got no warning and no explanation of what I did. On top of that Mike has not answered 1 email on this issue. They want to make sure you keep using this site, a site built on the backs of all of us entering the data. All the food in the database is entered and checked for accuracy by us. They make money by us clicking through the site. Every hit their ad revenue goes up.

What would happen if people Mike doesn't like he banned them from the site? Ad revenue would plummet.

They make sure you can still see the ads and use the site but none of your friends and family can be part of this with you.

I know I will be looking for a different site, there are many.