Hello-looking for exercise DVD suggestions

In the past three months Ive implmented a diet and exercise program which has allowed me to drop about 20-25 pounds and actually firm up..

I run sprints almost every evening, followed by strength training (plank sets, leg lifts, sit ups and push ups)

While our weather has been condusive to sprinting in the evening..I would like to change things up abit..and also start thinking about the winter when the weather is simply to icky to go outside.

I have been looking at the new T25..or Turbo Fire. the allure of T25 is that its only 25 minutes..I work full time, have a busy tween and run our family's ranch..just a half hour..even if its intense..sounds VERY appealing to me versus a potential hour.

my goal is to maintain the fitness and firm up..all over..I have a "strip of fat" I call it..down the very center of my abs..I can feel muscle under it, but Id like to get rid of the fat..and of course maintain what Ive gotten in my arms and legs with my current regiment.

my question is..both are fairly expensive..I want to make sure I get the most bang for my buck..and that it fits my lifestyle. Would t25 fit this better? or would TurboFire work? or am I being dellusional and should start with hip hop abs or something? LOL

Thanks for the input.


  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    Not tried any. Have you seen Ryan Shanahan on You Tube? Abs exercises are good.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I love TurboFire, I dropped a lot of inches when I was doing it last summer. You are right though it can be a longer workout depending on the day. I have been having trouble fitting it in lately. I will hopefully have more time soon now I am almost unpacked in my new place. I don't know about T25.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I love 30 day shred also on youtube fitnessblender or toneitup have great workouts
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Howdy! Haven't tried TurboFire but am in the second week of Focus T-25 and LOVE IT!!! It has added some explosiveness to my running and the pounds are falling off me faster. I have the "busy life" too so I can identify with squeezing workouts into small increments sometimes. Would highly recommend T-25! -Jeremy
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30 are both about 30 minutes and are really cheap (less than $10) at Walmart, Target or on Amazon.
  • TXRanchGirl
    thank you, thank you!!!

    Of course the price on the T25 makes me pause..I like $10 at wallyworld..but I WANT something that will REALLY work my body..and Im willing to spend the $$ if its worth it.

    Based on what Ive told you about my level of fitness, would the t25 be good for me to start with? its not Body beast obviously..which seems to be alot more "hardcore"..Im not as fit as I want to be (only been truly working on this since May)..but I am alot fitter then I was..

    I will check out the youtube suggestions..mabey can mix them if I decide to go t25
  • jmars83
    jmars83 Posts: 3
    jillian micheals or if have smart phone free nike training app, or go youtube look for befit.
  • TXRanchGirl
    OK, looking at the 30 day shred..(mabey start with that and make sure Im up to the task of workout videos..as I normally "do my own" thing in regards to exercise.

    My goal is not really to loose weight..Im only afew pounds away from my goal..its to tone and keep the fitness I have..I have a layer of fat left right down the middle of my tummy Id LOVE to blow apart..will the 30 day shred help this?

    Then if I do well, Ill ask for t25 for christmas..:)
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    TX Ranch,
    I understand your dilemna on finding the right home fitness program I am married father of 3 girls with another on the way and i work 50 hours a week, so i can understand about the time issue....
    I have done p90x twice and les miles comabt, and now on my 3rd week of T25, and let me tell you it's not joke, i sually burn about close 500 calories daily with T25 and that's just in the Alpha pahse.
    You will def get the right workout with that one
  • Sswhite1983
    Sswhite1983 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm currently doing the Insanity dvd's (Friend let me borrow his) I have seen on youtube that there is a girl that does the full videos, so you don't really have to buy the dvds.
  • TXRanchGirl
    Again, thanks all!

    I went friday night and got the 30 day shred..figure Ill get in at $10 and see how I like it..Im on day 4 and feel real good..am sore, espc in my legs and rear..but feel good.Jillian definantly kicked my butt but I love how its a short, intense workout and am working a good sweat by the end. :) If the 30 days goes well, I will move onto something else..another JM dvd or one of he beachbody workouts like T25

    I did go out to eat Saturday night and had two large margaritas..so Im fighting back some sodium but hopefully will be able to drop my weight down to the 113 range like Id like with jillians help
  • JeffersJJ
    JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
    You should just video yourself doing sprints. Sprints are probably one of the best exercises there is as far as burning calories goes. Beyond that, burpees. Nobody likes burpees. Nobody. BUT, you could watch yourself do those and follow along. I'm sure you'll save loads of money and probable disappointment. :-)
  • TXRanchGirl
    Jeffers, I hate burpees..but know they work.

    I am considering..adding sprints in 2-3 times a week in conjunction with the 30 day shred..

    the DVD angle was simply something I got into because I was getting bored sprinting every night..and some nights it was pouring rain and I couldnt do anything outside...guess Im wanting stuff to rotate thru to keep it interesting
  • myfitspiration7
    I have both T25 and Turbo, I would go with T25, its a workout, its awesome, in fact there is nothing bad I can say about T25, I have gotten AMAZING results from T25, if you have specific questions you can message me, happy to help!!

  • MHW22
    MHW22 Posts: 10 Member
    ANY of the www.beachbody.com videos are great!! - they have a tab where you can compare the different offerings and even sort by specific "style" ie: ABS / Time / total body ... workout that you are looking for. YouTube have video/commercials for ea of them - I personally like Shawn T's INSANITY ... Good luck!!
  • MHW22
    MHW22 Posts: 10 Member
    I have the 30 day shred ... it had 3 different levels on the same video but even the 1st level is a work out to me! - I paid $7 on sale at target when I bought mine ... I saw a listing on FB yard sale site for $5.00 ... Oh and I bought a couple of the beach body videos from someone on Craigslist for $20 ea ... check there!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    Cool! Ill check out craigslist and see if anyone has some beachbody DVDs..

    yes, level 1 on shred is a decent workout..although I dont feel Im being challenged enough in the Ab dept at level 1..may add sprints this week and then bump to level 2 next week if Im feeling OK.
  • WannaBLoser2013
    Cool! Ill check out craigslist and see if anyone has some beachbody DVDs..

    yes, level 1 on shred is a decent workout..although I dont feel Im being challenged enough in the Ab dept at level 1..may add sprints this week and then bump to level 2 next week if Im feeling OK.

    If you feel 30 day shred is not challenging then buy Body Revolution from Jillian Michaels. I got amazing results after phase 1.
  • TXRanchGirl
    Day three of bumping up to level 2..definantly getting MORE now..I could maintain very contently at level 1..level 2 makes me push more...I like that..:)

    on another note..has anyone tried JM's buns and thighs DVD? I have no butt..would like to tone it abit more.
  • treetoptrevor
    I am Just starting P90X which I borrowed the DVDs from a coworker so it was free. but I did some exercises from popsugarfit on youtube. They have a bunch of 10 minute exercise videos (like 60 different ones) that really get you going.