Food ideas for Son please!

My 7 year old son is starting football practices next week and I'm looking for ideas on healthy foods to keep in the house to fill him up. He's got a pretty good appetite as it is, so I know that all this activity is just going to make it worse. So I'd rather have healthy stuff that I don't mind him grabbing when he needs it.

Here's a sampling of what we typically have in the house for "snacks":

Cheese Sticks
Fruit of all kinds (this time of year, typically grapes, strawberries, cherries)
Veggies (grape tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, carrots)
Beef Sticks
Applesauce Pouches

Thoughts and ideas??


  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    1 . fruit
    2. snack bars
    3. crackers
    4. raisins
    5. low fat frozen yogurt
    6. pita chips
    7. flavored rice cakes
    8. popcorn
    9. frozen fruit bars
    10. popsicles
  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    How about cereal (the cheerios-type, not the ridiculously sweet ones). Low fat yoghurt (plain, add fruit to dip into it). Single portion bags of trailmix.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Hard boiled eggs
    peanut butter on pretzels and/or graham crackers
    Tuna salad on crackers
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Peanut butter (on whole wheat bread or bun or crackers)
    I cook extra chicken with dinner (bbq) and he can slice it (or you could) and make it into a sandwich, or just nibble on it.
    Apples with cheese
    Apples with peanut butter
    Home made muffins
    Trail mix (peanuts, raisins, a few chocolate chips, etc {mostly healthy with a little treat here and there})
    Smoothies made with fruit ice milk or yogurt
    Good luck!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    At his age with the calories burned during football practice and games...whatever he wants...he'll burn right through it. It would probably help what you consider healthy. Personally, for his age and activities, I consider anything that doesn't cause an allergic reaction or instant death healthy.
  • dizzzy33
    dizzzy33 Posts: 31 Member
    Bumping for the ideas ... my 10 yr old son is in football too and has an unbelievable appetite! Need healthy snack ideas!
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    i would make sure he's getting enough protein. I find that hard with my kids... how about cold chicken nuggets, i don't know if nuts are off the table, but peanutbutter sandwiches...

    bagels, cheese, ham, yogurt (why low fat for a kid - they need it for their brains)

    tortilla rollups; salsa chream cheese and chicken cut into circles
    sushi rolls?
    refried beans in a burrito?

    what does he like, that will decide what he needs
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Veggies with hummus/yogurt dip/peanut butter for dipping
    Anything you don't like, lol (I always buy my son animal crackers and pretzels because I know I will never pig out on them)
    Homemade popsicles or yogurt pops (not as much sugar and junk if you make them yourself)
    Frozen grapes