Exercise disaster!



  • BigMo2017
    BigMo2017 Posts: 30 Member
    Getting out for a walk, no matter what the pace will improve your fitness. I started that way about a year ago. It was tough to fit it into my lunchtimes but made all the difference over a 6 month period.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    First of all, those types of workouts are not meant for beginners. The movements and intensities are usually not a good match for someone just starting.

    Second, exercise can cause the body to go a little haywire the first type as the body is unprepared for the demands placed on it (aggravated by #1). If you start more gradually, there are some short-term adaptations that will make you feel more comfortable.

    All of this. The "simple and short" routines tend to be hardcore exercises. I've seen people try mountain climbers and not be able to unless they were in good shape.
    I'm in horrendous shape, and I start again tomorrow with the low-impact machines at the gym, and some walking. Just assure yourself that the more you do, the easier it will get.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    linzo13 wrote: »
    Today I tried (and don’t laugh) a 7 min workout and couldn’t finish it.... anyone any advise on whats the best way to go???

    if it makes you feel better, back when i bought my first bike i struggled to ride it five blocks to the store.

    my thought is: if you can't handle 7 minutes of it then the intensity is too high for where you're at now. and that's not as big a deal as it seems. just drop the intensity to whichever point will allow you to eitehr go longer (if it's a time-based thing) or complete the workout (if it's a sets/reps type thing).

    you also don't have to do the entire workout as written, immediately. keep the range, i.e. don't do your cutting by removing specific exercises. but you can reduce the sets/reps done instead. so instead of 8x12 or whatever it is, start yourself off with just 3x12.

    or whatever. point is, you get to scale things so that they fit with the place you are now. that's the best way i've found personally for getting 'the place where i am' to move forwards into a different place. congrats on getting started.

  • linzo13
    linzo13 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks guys I’ve been too scared to try it again but I will tomorrow as it’s 9pm here just now lol

    I will do this! I’ve just been walking the past few days so il give it another bash and hopefully be able to do more
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Personally, I think the best way to start exercising is to start slow or less intense; something that makes you breathe heavier but not to the point where you can't keep it up for an extended period of time. Then try to work on the time you can keep that pace up for. You'll find the more you do it regularly, your stamina will improve and you'll be able to keep going at that pace for longer.

    When you feel like you're up to a decent time (20-30 mins is a good target), you could try and up the pace / intensity and start over upping the time again on your faster pace.