Fit, Macros - Support

Hi, :)

Happy New Year! I’m looking for friends that are fit and are macro eaters for accountability and support. I am fit (weight lifting, Pilates, cardio) but have been a calorie counter. I’m just switching to refining my eating (macros). I keep being told it would make a major difference in my body.

Please feel free to friend me. I’m looking forward to connecting!


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I would say getting adequate protein (0.8-1g per lb lean body mass minimum) would be the most important macro for body composition, also following an established program for best results. Results will happen over time with consistency. It will also depend on your goals, stats, current bodyfat% etc.
  • Daveygirl1
    Daveygirl1 Posts: 31 Member
    @sardelsa I’m close to on target with protein... I’ve done a few calculators for macros. Still not really clear on where I should end up. Is there a particular program for macros you like?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I like to follow these recommendations for macros by grams per lean body mass (or per goal weight).
    Protein: 0.8 to 1g
    Fats: 0.35 to 0.6g
    Carbs: The rest

    Keep in mind these are minimums and can be adjusted to personal preference. It doesn't have to be spot on or anything. But you do want to follow your overall calorie intake depending on your goals... deficit, maintenance, gain, etc.

    What are your stats and goals?
  • Daveygirl1
    Daveygirl1 Posts: 31 Member
    5’6, 123-126 lbs depending on the day. My home scale, which measures body fat says 23%... but my trainer has said that can not be correct and it has to be lower. When I say I want to lose a few pounds (to normal / non-gym people) they think I’m crazy, but there is some fat on my belly and a little under my triceps (that came with age).

    Goals, lean out a bit (although I am worried about my face getting to thin), create more definition in my arms/shoulders and legs and have a flat belly with abs.

    I’m an apprentice Pilates instructor. So I practice 5-6 days a week, sometime several times a day. I lift 4 times a week (upper and lower body split), one of those times is with a trainer. I do cardio 4 days a week. I do Pilates on all weight days. With the amount of time I spend moving, I feel like the next big change has to be diet.

    Thanks for your help!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Ok so you are at a good weight for your height, and if you aren't satisfied with your current body composition with those stats, based on your goals I would recommend looking into recomp to build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    In terms of diet, you will want to eat at maintenance (and be sure to eat enough to fuel your activity). If you eat at a deficit you will lose more weight and unless you are planning on putting on weight with a bulk, you likely will not be happy with the results as it sounds like you do not have the muscle base to keep losing.

    Are you following a program with the trainer? You want to make sure you are following a balanced program that allows for progression and adequate recovery.

    I typically don't discuss my fitness plans outside of here.. if I'm bulking, cutting, etc.. usually people in real life don't really understand it so I keep it to myself and if they ask I just say "I'm trying to get stronger, healthier or more fit"
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Daveygirl1 wrote: »
    Hi, :)

    Happy New Year! I’m looking for friends that are fit and are macro eaters for accountability and support. I am fit (weight lifting, Pilates, cardio) but have been a calorie counter. I’m just switching to refining my eating (macros). I keep being told it would make a major difference in my body.

    Please feel free to friend me. I’m looking forward to connecting!

    I follow IIFYM, what's your definition of 'fit?