Canadian friends



  • Live_life_well
    Live_life_well Posts: 86 Member
    Toronto - weather is nice here right now. What's a Canadian winter without a little chilly week or two?
  • cnowicki2
    cnowicki2 Posts: 20 Member
    Ya it's a bit chilly. Nothing a good jacket, hat and mitts can't handle :p Only two more months-ish, then we get the + weather again.
  • fat_engineer
    fat_engineer Posts: 36 Member
    I’m a fellow Canadian loving right in the middle of the country. I added lots of people from this at the start but quite a few have replied since. Feel free to add me.
  • bz2018
    bz2018 Posts: 143 Member
    edited January 2018
    Ajax Ontario. Feel free to add!
  • grumpopuppo
    grumpopuppo Posts: 90 Member
    Feeling lucky in south BC where it's only -3C, downright tropical compared to the rest of the country.
  • chardh
    chardh Posts: 47 Member
    Ontario Canada here and over winter already haha the shoveling is a good burn though. Feel free to add me I love having friends to commiserate with
  • mitchellsha
    mitchellsha Posts: 10 Member
    Spring came and went in Toronto in 1 day back to freezing my butt off. Think treadmill today as sidewalks are icy.