Done it once, do it again

Hello All.

I have been here before, a few years ago. It was a place which really helped me achieve what I wanted.

3 years ago I was my biggest enemy. Weighing a horrible 23stone I was unhappy in what I became. To set a goal in life, I decided to aim for the RAF. I knew this was something I wanted at the time and something which could help me improve myself. After 18months training I dropped down to 17 stone and was ready to sign up.

Physically I was in the best shape of my life since I was a teenager. Unfortunately when I went to do the test appitude test, I failed it and it hit me hard. Sadly not to make this a sob story, I came out of a relationship of 5 years and moved 300 miles to the other end of the country where I started a new job and the RAF dream went out of the window.

Over the last year and a bit, I lost all motivation and lost all the drive I had to make something of myself. Having a desk job and doing nothing interesting in my spare time, I just ate and had plenty of drinking sessions. Before I realised it, I have now gone back to step 1 or more like -1. I have gained a lot of weight and actually hit 24stone. Even though my friends would never guess this as I am tall luckily, I know the number and it has killed me mentally.

Like most people 2018 is a fresh start. So let’s see what can happen. My profile picture is only 2 weeks old and I hope people agree that I don’t look like what I am, which is a slight positive. Though it’s not what I want to be.

Please add me and make contact, I enjoy becoming my part of someone journey as much as you becoming part of mine.

Probably a few grammatical errors in this , thanks iPhone :)

Good luck and happy new year.


  • KeThur_18
    KeThur_18 Posts: 59 Member
    Good luck on your journey. As am I start a new life too hopefully we can motivate each other in our process
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,758 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back to MFP. :)
  • CherylBunce
    CherylBunce Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck ... I've just joined and not sure how to add people .... I am nearly 16 stone on bp tabs and need to get to 12 stone to come off tabs .... good luck on your journey I'm sure you can do it ....