Wedding Weight Loss

I need too loose around 6-7 Stone I’m 18 Stone now. In a year? Is this possible? Beginning of next year I’ll be trying wedding dresses! Any tips or advice would be brilliant. Also would exercise help? Thank you xxx


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    50 - 60lbs is totally doable in a year
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,773 Member
    A safe, healthy, weight loss rate for most people is 1% of current body weight per week, tapering to less as we get within 20-25 pounds of goal.

    Losing faster than that would risk arriving at your wedding looking pale, drawn, fatigued, depleted, possibly with brittle nails and thinning hair - not what you want, I'm sure.

    Find a good exercise program that fits in your life in a practical way; eat nutritious food you enjoy; lose weight at a sensible, moderate rate you can sustain over the whole year while having enough energy for life and wedding prep; get enough sleep. You'll arrive at your wedding much slimmer, fit, bloomingly beautiful, and attractively vivacious.

    Tips? Read the posts in the "Most Helpful Posts" section at the top of each MFP forum category. They're pure gold. Start with the one in ths "General Diet and Weight Loss" category.

    Best wishes! :)