2nd times a charm

I got on the scale this evening and I'm .4 lbs from weighing the most I've ever weighed again. I lost about 30 lbs last year with MFP and Planet Fitness, but then I got bored. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to it more this time and succeed.


  • optionsguy88
    optionsguy88 Posts: 325 Member
    Best of luck!
  • Roosh513
    Roosh513 Posts: 57 Member
    Have you tried home fitness programs? I tried the gym for awhile and it was just plain tough to build the habit and stick with it. Just remember that while exercise is important for your health and well being, it doesn't have to be your first step in weight loss. Starting with a 20-30 minute home routine that you know you can show up for consistently can help boost the results you get from tracking your food. Good luck!
  • toyota786
    toyota786 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck...
  • robsimpatient
    robsimpatient Posts: 9 Member
    Best of luck!

    Thank you
  • robsimpatient
    robsimpatient Posts: 9 Member
    Roosh513 wrote: »
    Have you tried home fitness programs? I tried the gym for awhile and it was just plain tough to build the habit and stick with it. Just remember that while exercise is important for your health and well being, it doesn't have to be your first step in weight loss. Starting with a 20-30 minute home routine that you know you can show up for consistently can help boost the results you get from tracking your food. Good luck!

    I have not thought of a at home routine. That does make sense and I'll check into it. Thank you!
  • madeclerq
    madeclerq Posts: 14 Member
    We've got this. You're done it before so it's fantastic motivation to do it again :)
  • lancenuovo
    lancenuovo Posts: 517 Member
    hang tough. i am with you all