keeping fit with a busy life.

CollegeGirl2 Posts: 30
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I work full time in the summer as a cashier, so I'm on my feet all day. I generally work evenings and don't get home until ten or eleven, by which time I'm completely exhausted. I try to fit in some exercise in the mornings, but between carting my sister around to her various activities and helping my mom around the house, it's hard to find time to get my heart rate pumping! Anyone else have this problem? How do you fit workouts into your life?


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    It is really hard and was my downfall for YEARS! Schedule "me time" and keep to your schedule everyday. Say - from 10-11 am everyday I will exercise doing _________. Get your Mom on board that this is your goal. All the best!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Some excercise videos are only ten minutes.....You should consider doing one first thing in the morning or between jobs and how about wearing a step counter and trying to walk as much as possible during work...we sometimes have to fit it inthroughout the day....I exercise as soon as I get up and then take a walk during a break....I have even seen people walk the steps at their is just making the choose to exercise....Beleive me ten mintues of exercise will make you feel better a short nap and wakes you up sometimes better then coffee. You can do it.
  • jlynch0511
    jlynch0511 Posts: 5 Member
    You just have to take a closer look at your schedule and block time for you. I had the same issue. I would work all day, come home and my kids would have a ton of activites I had to get them too, i.e, soccer, choir, band, etc. by the time we get home, there was dinner to make and then I was mentally and physically exhausted and had no desire to do anything, and besides it was last.
    So, I re-evaluated. My gym opens at 5am, so I get up at 4:30am everyday and hit the gym for me time. That gives me a great workout (since I don't have to be at work until 8am) and the rest of my day is free for work and the kids but I've still taken care of what I need to do. I'm not saying you have to get up that early, that's just what works for me. I also used to walk while the kids were are soccer practice for example. While they practice, I walk around the field instead of just sitting there.
    Look at your own schedule and see where you have pockets of time to work out. Do what you can when you can. :-)
  • You just have to take a closer look at your schedule and block time for you. Look at your own schedule and see where you have pockets of time to work out. Do what you can when you can. :-)

    That actually really helped. I read what you said about working out in the early morning, and I went, "ugh, not if I'm going to bed at midnight every night". Which made me think about why I stay up so late...and I couldn't think of a reason. I'm going to try getting to bed earlier so that I can wake up earlier for some of that "me" time. Thanks!
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    It is tough, but I agree with blocking out time. I have a full time job, children, and try to take classes here and there as well. I gave up TV (haven't watched since HS) and more recently internet time and find myself working out with friends more than meeting them for dinner or going to a bar. I bet the time is there somewhere, and I know mornings are easier than evenings as that tired factor is huge. Good luck to you!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Carting sister around to various activities. Sounds like an opportunity. Usually you have to wait while you are at an activity. Perfect time for a brisk or leisure walk.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I agree with everyone who suggests that you just block out this "me time". It can be difficult to do at first, especially when you are tired and you have a lot going on...however, if you aren't intentional about making the time (i.e. making exercise a high priority), it won't happen.

    Try starting small. Block out 20 minutes to go for a brisk walk, jog, dance crazily around your room, etc. Schedule that into your day on a regular basis. Morning, evening, lunch breaks, fit some activity in wherever you can.

    I'm not able to spend much time exercising on work days, but I still do the 30 Day Shred, walk, or walk/jog most evenings. I already have to get up at 5 am, and I'm just not going to get up earlier than that if I can squeeze it into the evenings. On weekends, I work out a lot more. Lots of weights, longer walks/jogs, etc. I've discovered that I have to make it a priority if I want to make it happen. I don't just find the time. I have to make the time.

    Good luck! I hope you find something that works well for you!
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