Really trying this time!! Trying to lose 90lbs. Need accountability buddies

Hey guys!
My name is Juli and I am 22 years old. I have been dieting pretty much my whole life and have been slowly gaining ever since. This fall, I gained 10 lbs and am now at my all time high weight of 225 lbs. I have a problem with staying motivated and I think having some accountability buddies may help me. I really want to commit this time and eventually lose about 90 lbs but I can't do this on my own. So please if you are trying to lose a significant amount of weight, let's help each other!


  • stephmihaly1080
    stephmihaly1080 Posts: 3 Member
    Goodluck! If you need any help/motivation I can always be to help! I am going through something similar. I have gained 20 lbs since July, making me my heaviest at 180lbs currently. I have always been trying to diet and lose weight my whole life but nothing ever sticks. I would love to help each-other on our journey!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome!! This site will do wonders for your motivation and efforts. It's true, going at this alone is a hundred times more difficult. When I first joined this site, I achieved great results just with the support and encouragement I found here. I've floundered a bit since then and really want to buck up and get back to feeling comfortably human again. I'd like to lose 35-40 lbs but my real focus is on learning to do it via lifestyle changes vs " a diet" for whatever number of days.
    You can totally do this! Feel free to friend me, if you'd like. It really helps to hear from others who are experiencing the same struggles and work through them together.
  • MegMorgan182
    MegMorgan182 Posts: 7 Member
    hey I'm at the same weight myself girl and I have been up and down and up and up lol I would love to be friends I'm only trying to lose 50 because well I like having a little fluff
  • kezza1810
    kezza1810 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, am in same boat looking to lose 30lbs..really motivated just now but need some accountability to keep me going. So would love to be friends.
  • somer_d
    somer_d Posts: 5 Member
    I added you, Juli! Having accountability buddies helps! Logging food helps! I do my worst on days I don't log in and stay conscious of what I'm eating. I started here in 2011 and lost 100 pounds with only lifestyle and diet change and exercise. Unfortunately during some recent tough periods in my life I've gained 30 back and need to get back in gear! Here's to a new mindset in 2018! :)
  • jshaw5493
    jshaw5493 Posts: 3 Member
    I added you. I'm also 22 and started at 230lbs. I'm down 82lbs so far and I have 18 to go! You can do it :smiley:

    That's so motivating to hear and will definitely be reaching out when it gets tough! Thanks for the friend :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think what you are experiencing, is that "really" and "trying" are cancelling each other out. Really means for real, but trying means that you don't really believe it's in your power. But it is. Weightloss is simple, it's subject to the laws of physics. You have to change everything, though - your habits, attitudes and environment. You have to stop relying on motivation and other people. You need neutral and balanced information, a good, sustainable plan, and some strategies to handle the most common problems. If you're calorie counting, you need to learn about the pitfalls. If you weigh yourself, you have to know about weight fluctuations, and how weight loss slows down as you lose weight. Then you need patience, confidence and discipline to follow through, forever. You can find support, and ask for help, but you have to stick to your plan yourself.
  • brasseur48
    brasseur48 Posts: 6 Member
    This is a good place for support. Also look into a Craving Change course in your area. It provides a lot of insight into things min our enviroment that are stacked against us and strategies to counteract them.